Let me start by saying...Happy 45th anniversary Shasta Lodge! We turned 45 on February 25 and will be celebrating this month at our Bella Notte themed anniversary dinner taking place on March 22nd. Look forward to seeing some of you there! We will also be announcing our ‘Most Honored Member for 2024”.
Our annual crab feed was once again a HUGE success. We served 469 guests and had a very happy crowd both nights. The food was amazing. The raffle baskets were beautiful, and each baskets theme was perfectly executed. We have received so much positive feedback from many of our return customers who enjoy our event so much and attend every year. Thank you to all who take the time to prepare and chair the so many parts of this event. It really does take a village! Huge thank you to Paul and Jim for chairing the event again this year.
We received a wonderful plaque and donation from SIRS (Sons In Retirement), an organization we have catered for many years.
We also received a plaque from EHS (Enterprise High School) for helping their culinary club. Thank you so much to both. We enjoy working with you and appreciate the thoughtfulness.
We are about to kick off our Spring Bocce League. Sign-ups are happening now and we are filling up fast. We will start in April and finish up in June.
Also this month, we are proud to be initiating 6 new members. Welcome to all!
Not only does this month bring us the beginning of Daylight Savings, it is also the beginning of Spring!
Until next month…Ciao from all of us at Shasta Lodge. Have a wonderful St. Patricks Day
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786