We hope everyone had a very happy holiday season. A new year begins with many new challenges ahead. Our Christmas celebration was fantastic. The appetizers were delicious as was the meal provided by Dennis Wallace Catering. Entertainment was provided by Hayley Green, a very talented local vocalist.
This month we will be installing a new board and are looking forward to continuing our monthly social activities, service projects, luncheons and fundraisers. Things will be different since, we do not have an elected Lodge President. Our Lodge will be celebrating it’s 42nd anniversary. The lodge was founded on January 16, 1983.
Plans for our annual crab feed fundraiser planned for January 18th are being finalized. Raffle baskets, silent auction items and desserts are just about ready for presentation to a sold-out crowd. Everyone is looking forward to a fun evening and delicious crab!
Unfortunately, we received some sad news about the passing of Ralph Petty, our Past President from 2009 – 2011. Ralph has been a member of our lodge for almost 25 years. He was a great help during our many fundraisers and events. He will be sorely missed by his lodge brothers and sisters. Our thoughts and prayers go out to Sue, his wife, and his family.
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786