Columbia Lodge is now alternating their meetings at two different restaurant locations. Great menus and food at both places and everyone is loving the change. We just have to remember where we are going each month!
State President Arlene Nunziati and State Deputy Maria Fassio Pignati installed the new 2025-2026 officers of the lodge at Sapore Ristorante. Congratulations to all the new officers; thank you to the ones who stepped up to new positions and to the ones who stayed in office. We have a terrific slate of officers and all are ready and willing to work for the benefit of our lodge. Thank you President
Angelo Fanucchi, VP Michael Croaro, Orator John Nardi, Recording Secretary Angie Fanucchi, Financial Secretary Madeline Miranda, Treasurer Silvana DaDalt, Mistress of Ceremony Lori Bates, Trustees Steve and Sharon Ondry, Liliann Croaro and Mirella Eiras, and Guard Steve Ondry.
Congratulations to two new members Andrea and Diana Sutter whose Mother was a 70 plus member of our lodge before her passing.
We also welcomed new member Jennifer Gauthier.
Looking forward to election of new delegates this month.
Happy Spring everyone.
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786