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Heritage and Culture

Virgilio Lodge #1586

by Ray Bini

  • 28 April 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 3079

Saluti Tutti. Greetings from Vallejo. We would like to update you on current happenings at our lodge. First, our sister women’s lodge Beatrice Portinari #1626 decided to merge with us to consolidate membership. We are back to meeting the second Tuesday of each month at our lodge building. During the 3 years of Covid we held several successful curbside pickup dinners. We did have a Scholarship Dinner last July and a polenta dinner last December. We are having a ham & pasta/pesto dinner April 16.

We received applications for 5 scholarships and are happy to announce that all 5 will receive scholarships. We are planning to hold a scholarship dinner in May or June.

We just held elections for officers:

President: Ray Bini

Vice President: Tony Intintoli

Immediate Past President: Glen Rushing

Orator: Esther Asche

Recording Secretary: Pamela Bini

Financial Secretary; Rick Silveira

Treasurer: Rick Branch

Trustees: Lee Sparks, Nancy Sparks, Fred Asche, Mike Brigandi & Donna Branch

Master/Mistress of Ceremonies: Mike Brigandi & Elaine Quillin

Sentinel: John Costa

Several of our members enjoyed attending the golf tournaments at Chico and Palm Springs. They were well organized and brought in significant revenue to the Western Foundation. We will continue to attend. We look forward to seeing everyone at the convention in Reno.



Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786