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Heritage and Culture

Vallejo Lodges

by Sharon Silveira

  • 4 January 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2410

The Changing of Traditions…..The Vallejo Lodges transformed their traditional December Holiday Dinner of Roast Beef & Ravioli, into a highly successful Curbside Pickup Event. At this point in time, it’s not possible to gather at our lodge hall for a crowded family style dinner and so a new way to serve dinner happened on Saturday, December 12th. Our cooks— Rick Branch, John Costa and Glen Rushing prepared the roast beef & ravioli with meat sauce. The food assembly line also included Rick Silveira. Taylor Rojas handled the bagging. Donna Branch served as the liaison person between the kitchen and the speedy delivery team of Chrissy Bini and Edgar Nuno. Outside to handle the financial details were Melanie Rushing and Beatrice President, Pamela Bini. Over 130 dinners went home to be enjoyed. And though people’s smiles were hidden by their masks, everyone felt a bit of the festive holiday spirit.

A Bit of Reminiscence….December gatherings included Adeline Nettleton’s famous Tom & Jerrys. A couple of decades ago, everyone found a small fabric Christmas stocking by their place at the Sunday dinner made by Louise Nelson. Paul Chiotti playing Christmas carols on the piano or performing an accordion concert with Leo Tastides. Janet Capello’s deep fried ravioli and special mushroom appetizers. Merilyn Ferranato organizing the Children’s Christmas Party with Don Cahan playing the role of Santa and Rick Branch reading ‘Twas The Night Before Christmas. In recent Decembers the very talented Spark’s family, with their magical voices, have entertained us.

ß and may 2021 restore some of our old traditions as well as inspiring new ones.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786