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Heritage and Culture

Shasta Lodge #2453

Redding, CA

  • 15 September 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1749

Greeting from Redding,
I hope none of your lodge members have lost homes due to the many fires that have impacted California. While it is very smoky, and very hot in Redding, we are not in the line of any fire at this time.

We continue to have our general meetings although the attendance is low. We have held our monthly council meeting through the pandemic and continue with the upkeep on our lodge. We held a drive through Spaghetti dinner in June and had about 200 dinners go out. Thanks to all our members who helped with this event.

We had to skip our crab feed in 2021, but plans are under way for our other large fundraiser, Paesano Days. Our bocce tournament of 32 teams is nearly full. We have tickets four our Friday night Spaghetti Dinner out to be sold, and banners hung around town to advertise our event. Once again we will begin about 5pm on Friday, September 17th with the opening of the bocce tournament and the spaghetti dinner. We will have live music off and on throughout Friday and Saturday. We have some crafters ready to show us their products, and will have  classic car Show-N-Shine on Saturday along with the bocce tournament. We will have plenty of Italian Sausage Sandwiches, Meatball Sandwiches and Pasta bowls with Meatballs on Saturday, too. If you get a chance, please come join us for two days of fun and food. Friday, September 17th and Saturday, September 18th at South City Park in Redding.

On August 15th, some of our lodge members took our annual bus trip to San Francisco to see the Giants game. It was great getting out of the smoke and heat for a day. The weather was beautiful and the Giants beat the Colorado Rockies. Lots of fun and fraternity. Bob and Leslie Gullixson were joined by daughters Kate and Nichole and son-in-law Nick for the trip. It was Nichole and Nick’s 2nd anniversary, but the first one spent together as Nick was deployed for their first anniversary.

We lost one of our last original members this past week. Rudy Balma had been a member since April 1980. Rest in peace Rudy.

Your friends from Shasta Lodge


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786