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Heritage and Culture

Roma Lodge #1573

by Larry Dutto-President

  • 28 April 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1470
Roma Lodge #1573

Roma Lodge Officers-2023-2025

Front-row (l-R) Joanne Beecher-Mistress of Ceremonies, Renee Marinelli-Recording Secretary, Melissa Watkins-Historian, Tina Sparlin-Financial Secretary, Pam Sola-Junior Members, Louis Benedetti-Trustee, Karen Pedroncelli-Treasurer. Back-row (l-r) Frank Marinelli-Guard, Michael Saltzman-Trustee, Dominic Pitigliano-Trustee, Michael DePaoli-Trustee, Justin Curti-Vice President, Matt Watkins-Trustee, David DePaoli-Past President, Larry Dutto-President, Anthony Chiaramonte-Orator.

Roma Lodge Officers-2023-2025

Roma Lodge members came together at their March meeting and installed their 2023-2024 officers. State Deputy, Jackie Giacomazzi, conducted the installation ceremonies and congratulated those who have taken on leadership roles in the lodge. The lodge also voted to send two delegates to the Grand Lodge convention in June. Members enjoyed a wonderful potluck dinner, chaired by Joann Beecher. The potluck, a March tradition, was brought back after a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic. The lodge will celebrate its 93rd anniversary in May.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786