To state the obvious, it’s been a weird couple of years, and obviously the hope is that with a waning pandemic, some semblance of normal is going to arrive! At the very least we will learn to live with conditions, whatever is thrown at us, and we will be able to embrace the things we enjoy and enjoy doing. And one of those is our Lodge, and the friends we’ve acquired there, the incredible entertainers who bring their talents weekly, and certainly the volunteers who hold the Lodge together. Let’s acknowledge,
Eureka Lodge member Ryan Bisio, Head Coach of the College of the Redwoods men’s basketball team, led his student athletes to their second straight Golden Valley Conference championship on February 16th. This is the second season in a row that Bisio, a former standout point guard at St. Bernard High School, guided the team to the junior college playoffs.
Lodge members Gene Perricelli, Nancy Giannini, and Betty Senestraro continue to devote significant volunteer time in service to the St Joseph Hospital in Eureka. (A recent merger has seen the name changed
Greetings from Redding,
Our February two day Crab Feed is over and was very successful. We were sold out for both nights, had good crab and chowder, and a great raffle. We were joined by our State Deputy John Jefsen and his lovely wife Lorna and about ten other members of the Vincenzo Bellini Lodge from Chico. We were also joined by our Third State Vice President Louie Lodi and his guest.
Speaking of the raffle, if you haven’t been to our Crab Feed or Paesano Days, you have missed seeing, or winning, the gorgeous baskets. Sharon Roberts and her sidekick Gerry Carroll spend a lot of time
We are celebrating our 100th Anniversary on September 17th, 2022. Please save this date. We are coordinating with Grand Council and State President Barbara Fumosa Wisniewski to reduce travel. We will be sending more details in the coming months, but for now, please reserve this date to join us in our celebration. This is a very big accomplishment, not just for Colombo-Stella, but for all of Sons and Daughters of Italy. Our Lodge got the sad news that member LeRoy Scolari had passed away in January. LeRoy has always lived in Lompoc, but was a member of Colombo-Stella exclusively. In March, he would have been a member for 70 years!! I would call LeRoy every few months to let him know what was happening with our Lodge. The calls would always last for more than an hour,
Dear Louie,
First, thank you for your article in the February issue of our Il Leone, however, Napa Lodge Members… I promise I’m still here as your President
Donna Lee Costa is stepping up as President for St Helena Lodge.
Very Respectfully, Anna M. Graeber, President OSIA Napa 2043
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786