Saddleback Valley Lodge finished 2019 with a festive Christmas party and anticipation of a new year filled with activities with several new members. These are the ingredients for a successful year for the Sons and Daughters of Italy in America. With 2020 ahead, we celebrated January with our favorite game—Bingo. And then there was preparation for our annual Carnivale in February. A new venue gave us a better place to hold our party and make it even more elaborate. It was our best celebration ever! Delicious food, music & dancing, and a costume contest made the event spectacular! At the regular meeting we celebrated St. Valentine’s Day where our President gave all the women a rose. How will we ever match this in 2021? St. Patrick’s Day is always a reason to have a party. We heard rumors of a Chinese virus coming to the USA
First and foremost Andy, please get well, I miss your reminder email that my article is almost late. Take it slow and easy. I know Debbie will do a great job in your absence.
Please keep Andy in our thoughts and prayers as he recuperates!!
I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with friends and family. Turkey sandwiches for all for the next week. November has flown by, now it is time to hear all the Christmas carols as we walk into the various stores thinking about what to buy for that perfect gift. As I mentioned in my last article,
Ken and I wish you all Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo!
Your Vice-Presidents have been sending emails to your Lodge Presidents telling them what other Lodges are doing during this time. I am so impressed with the ingenious ways they are keeping in touch with you, the members. Some are having Zoom meetings, hybrid Zoom meetings, Zoom dinners, Drive through dinners and celebrations are just a few. Perhaps this is the time to reach out to some of the members of your Lodge. I’m sure they would love to hear from you.
Here are some interesting facts about Christmas celebrations in Italy. Some you may already know but
Hello All, By the time you receive this article we will have acknowledged, Halloween, Election Day, Veterans Day, and Thanksgiving Day. A lot to recognize in one month! I pray that all enjoyed each holiday and stayed safe and well!
It is hard to believe the year is almost over. Where did the time/year go??
Before we know it --- Christmas will be here and a new year 2021! Wow! 2021 will hopefully allow us to resume our meetings and events. What a life change!!
In the coming new year as we evaluate our Order’s membership
Neither rain, nor snow, nor wind, nor the COVID Pandemic was going to keep Roma Lodge members from having their traditional polenta and stew dinner in November. The lodge has not officially met since last March however a group of members decided it was time to do something for our members. Michael DePaoli, Melissa Watkins, Maci Daramy, Dominic Pitigliano, Josh Pitigliano, Matt Watkins, and Joseph Goni
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786