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Heritage and Culture

Northern Solano Lodge #2534

by Don Cradduck, President

  • 29 April 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2078

Hard to believe four months of 2021 have passed us by with things starting to return to normal. Our county (Solano) is close to achieving the state mandated Orange designation which will allow us to meet with some restrictions. We are working on the necessary protocols so we will be ready when we get the OK to meet. On April 15th we held our zoom lodge meeting with 22 members in and a special guest, the Grand Lodge President John Costa in attendance. Mark Rossi, our Immediate Past President led us in the Pledge of Allegiance, the invocation was presented by our Chaplain Dominic DiFabio and we opened the meeting just like the “old times”.

In May have scheduled our first “Out to Lunch” gathering since March 2020. Each month members would get together at different restaurants for an enjoyable lunch and a chance to spend time with our brothers and sisters. With the help of Rory and Laure DeVincenzi-Nichols we are going to put on a Virtual Dinner where members can join via zoom and together create a culinary meal together. As always, wine is optional and encouraged!!

Earlier this year our lodge was able to resume volunteering at our Local Food Bank sorting items to be distributed throughout our local community. Joy Bruno Neubert has been tirelessly chairing this project for many years and does a wonderful job.

Our scholarship chairperson Sue Cahan informed us that only one student applied for one of our scholarships this year. The unused scholarships will roll over and if we are able to have our Columbus fundraising dinner, we could offer even more scholarships next year.

We are also working of creating a Lodge Cook Book which will allow our members to share their favorite family recipes with the emphasis on Italian food. What could be better? This will take a little time to create but the rewards will be worth the wait.

Ciao from Northern Solano Lodge #2534


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786