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Heritage and Culture

Eureka Lodge #1274

by Joe Bonino

  • 1 December 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 948
Eureka Lodge #1274

Thank you to all who worked so hard to sell tickets, gather the ingredients, prepare the meal, wait on the tables, and serve at the drive thru during our October 15th polenta and chicken Pinochi and Stagnoli scholarship dinner. Two hundred and twenty-five dinners were served.

Special honor to our chefs and food preparers: Dave Olivieri, Bill Chino, John Senestraro, Nick Giannini, Rich Barsanti, Erling Dellabalma, Pam Newby, Donna Olivieri, Paul Ivancich, and Ralph and Nancy Giannini.

The raffle brought in $938. Once again thank you to Betty and Gene Senestraro for gathering the raffle prizes and wrapping them into such desirable baskets. Our ticket sellers did a great job. Josephine and Paul Silva, Marie and Bob Sorci, Jeremy Sorci and his son Sam, and Sam’s friend Alex Belli really pushed the tickets.

Dinners, raffle, and jars of sauce netted over $3,200 for the scholarship funds.

None of the leftover food went to waste. Mary, the kitchen supervisor at St Vincent DePaul in Eureka, expressed her thanks for the remaining big pot of polenta and the three #10 sized cans of sauce that Eureka Lodge donated to SVDP after the dinner. (As Mary and Father Mike Cloney relate it: at first the 175 patrons of the SVDP soup kitchen were not sure of what they were being offered for lunch. But after Mary explained to them what polenta was and they tasted it the big pot of polenta was quickly consumed.)

The October 6th Veterans Stand Down pasta dinner at the Ferndale fairgrounds served over 110 hungry veterans. This is always a special and meaningful annual event.

Thank you Dave and Donna Olivieri, Nick Giannini, Josephine Silva, Rex Bohn, Rich Barsanti, John Senestraro, Paul Silva, Michele Weston, Eddie Fornari Morgan, Erling Dellabalma, Logan Rosselli, Julie Stagnoli, Dianne Luzzi, and Gina Luzzi for preparing and serving a delicious meal.

No meeting in December. The January potluck dinner meeting is scheduled for Tuesday January 23rd. Cocktails at 4:30PM; dinner at 5:15PM; followed by our regular meeting.

Merry Christmas!


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786