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Heritage and Culture

Dolly Sinatra Lodge #2400

by Andy Casey

  • 7 June 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1654

We always welcome visitors to our Lodge, from Lodges all over the country. It’s an honor to have them visit, and when you receive a thank you, as wonderful as the following one, it brings home the message of just how fortunate we are here at our Lodge! Our entertainment is spectacular, as the thank you says! And the regular entertainers bring special, very talented guests occasionally, and I would like to illustrate with three recent nights at our Lodge, which illustrates just how SPECTACULAR we do have things here at Dolly Sinatra Lodge!! But first the thank you email Lori Harvey received recently…

Thank you so much for including us in your weekly dinner. I’m sure it will be the highlight of our trip but please don’t tell the bride & groom whose wedding we are attending! The food was great, the entertainment was spectacular & sharing our Italian heritage is the best. I certainly hope to return sometime in the future. We would welcome any of your lodge members who may find themselves in Maryland to the Annapolis Lodge 2225it. Mary Rose Pagnotto Barron (written May 4, 2022)

Larry Capeloto regularly brings guests to his show, some from his weekly show at the Indian Wells Hotel, and others that are just friends. Such was the case for his show March 16. The guest, Jerry Siggins, who was with, The Diamonds tribute band, for 26 years, amongst other performances by this very talented, might I say, spectacular entertainer. And Jerry saved the day when Larry had an equipment failure and couldn’t play background music. Jerry just strapped on his guitar, and he and Larry started singing Irish favorites amongst many classics. Jerry and his guitar saved the evening and we had a night of SPECTACULAR entertainment!

Not long after that Michael D’Angelo was having his regular show, and his friend, and friend to many of us, Roberta Linn, former Champagne Lady from the Lawrence Welk Show, and popular Vegas entertainer in the 50’s and 60’s with Freddie Bell and the Bellboys, arrived, and was soon singing and entertaining with Michael, which was just SPECTACULAR! Such are the nights here at our Lodge, when you just don’t know whom will be here! This, anything can happen, anyone can show up, all goes to the excitement and wonder of our Lodge.

And every now and then, from down under, no, not Australia, but San Diego, specifically Coronado, they let Mr. Entertainment leave, and return to his old Lodge, and bring his SPECTACULAR show and guests to us. I once said not even God knows what Larry Del Rose is going to unleash, but we know now! This time at least! Principally he brought his buddy, Tony Calabrese, an outstanding comedian. Tony is a story teller, and his stories are funny, very funny. He talks of his family, his life, with a wit and deep humor. He also told a story that tried, and indeed succeeded, to explain crypto currency which was indeed hilarious! Larry also had Frank Monteforte do a reprise of his stint with a baton, that he originally did at a charity event, proving that he missed a career as a band leader! Larry also passed out kazoos again, and nobody can still figure the bloody things out, thus I do believe this is the last of them! And Larry sang and bantered with us, and we all look forward to his next turn at our stage!!!

And thus another season has ended, as we all look forward to cursing the summer heat, it can be brutal, and the reopening of our Lodge on October 12, 2022! And Frank DiSalvo will be here to entertain, and the amazing group of volunteers that hold the Lodge together with President Joe LaPorta, leading the way! Joe told me to remind everyone our Third Annual Golf Tournament and buffet will be on November 14th. Not to be missed!!



Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786