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Heritage and Culture


By Andy Casey

  • 1 September 2024
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 406

Our Lodge has hit the jackpot! Won the lotto! Swept the Oscars! Won the Kentucky Derby! Yes indeed, good fortune has arrived at our door, with the selection and appointment of Larry Capeloto to the Lodge presidency!

When Joe LaPorta, our Lodge president for over twenty years, along with his mate Laurie, decided to step back from the presidency, and assume the position of President Emeritus-CEO, he and the board decided that Larry would be the perfect fit, and they indeed hit the jackpot.

Larry had decided to retire from his weekly show at the Indian Wells Hotel after seven wildly successful years. So before the 23/24 season, he served notice he was retiring, but what he didn’t do was retire from entertaining here at our Lodge. When he announced he had retired his show at the IWH, the ever charismatic Larry, also told Lodge members the one thing he wasn’t retiring from was entertaining here at our Lodge. He stated, “I love this place, entertaining for you, and I will continue my show here!”

In addition to his experience in entertainment, Larry brings his vast business knowledge, from running his food brokerage company in Seattle, which he sold and retired from some thirty years ago. He is indeed a wonderful selection.

But most importantly, while Joe has decided to hand off his considerable everyday duties to Larry, he is not disappearing from the Lodge. Joe, who took over a floundering and all most penniless Lodge, with a very small membership, and presided over raising it from the almost dead, to it’s present heights as one of the most successful Lodges in the Western Federation of Lodges. There is no way we’ll ever be able to thank Joe and Laurie enough. Perhaps one day we can rename the Lodge after him! After all it is extremely doubtful the Lodge would even be here anymore without their passion and commitment!  Joe, will continue to oversee the operation with Larry to ensure a smooth transition.

Along with the appointment of Larry to President, Danny Lodolo was appointed vice president, his wife Laurie  was appointed Financial Secretary and Donna Martella, Recording Secretary. They all bring considerable business experience and energy to their positions, and again we’ve hit the lotto with their winsome and energetic personas!

Thus for the first time in years Joe and Laurie did not attend the annual OSDIA Grand Lodge of California 87th Convention, this year held in Contra Costa County. In their stead Larry, along with his wife Jenny, and Danny and Laurie Lodolo attended on behalf of our Lodge. They went to meet other Lodges officers and to promote our upcoming inter Lodge golf tournament which is now named The Joe LaPorta Classic Golf Tournament. They additionally discovered we were tied for number two in new memberships (27) last year, and number one in total membership! (we already have 12 new members this year and growing).

The doors to our Lodge, after perhaps the hottest summer ever in the desert, will open October 9th. It was brutal, so I’m told, I went to the beach for the summer…. And our opening entertainer, cracking the jokes and singing your favorites will be Larry Capeloto! The weekly rotation for the new season will be Larry first Wednesday, Michael D’Angelo second, Tony DiJerlando (who after a few years hiatus is returning to entertain) third and fourth will be Eve Holmes. And least we forget there comes a fifth Wednesday occasionally and appearing with more gimmicks than Carrot Top, and always a special guest, will be our own Larry DelRose, Mr. Entertainer himself!

The Joe LaPorta Classic will be held November 18, 2024 at the Indian Canyon Country Club!!

All the information you need to know, and there is plenty, about our annual Joe LaPorta Classic Golf Tournament is on page 13 of this edition of the Il Leone. The entry form. Get it in promptly, this event is getting more and more popular and could fill up! Then there is the sumptuous buffet menu and info. Lastly don’t forget the tee signs to promote your business and more!

And did you know that this tournament Joe and Laurie started four years ago has raised an astounding $21,000 for charities and the The Order Sons of Italy Western Foundation in that time, and just watch the numbers this year, they’re going UP! We just need your participation, and for the first time this year there will be prize monies for first and second place winners!

And then there is the real JACKPOT we hit every year. OUR VOLUNTEERS!! They literally hold the Lodge together with their unselfishness. Year in and year out they’re here, setting up, making and serving our dinners, and a fine bottle of wine or two. We wouldn’t have a Lodge without them! In no particular order here are the volunteers we expect this year: Renee, Laurie, Jenny, Miraella, Rosie, JoAnna and behind the bar will be Keith! Please don’t forget to give them special thanks! They deserve that and a lot more!!


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786