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Heritage and Culture


By Andy Casey

  • 1 May 2024
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 924

Granted it’s not the MASTERS (yet), nor the US OPEN (yet) or even THE PGA CHAMPIONSHIP, (yet) but tournament golf is coming back to the desert! Yes, THE FIFTH ANNUAL DOLLY SINATRA GOLF TOURNAMENT, which has now been renamed the JOE LaPORTA FIFTH CLASSIC GOLF TOURNAMENT is coming, and will be played this coming November 18, 2024, at The Indian Canyon Golf Resort!

The tournament will now honor the founder, and chief catalyst, Joe LaPorta. Always inspired to do more, Joe came up with the idea for the tournament and buffet, to further enhance our fund raising efforts, and to bring fun, sport and camaraderie to our Lodge members, and associate Lodge members. Yes, the tournaments is open to ALL LODGES, so please join us! Joe has worked unceasingly from the inception of the first tournament to this the fifth edition, and seen the tourney grow in size and popularity.

The application for the tournament, and information on tee hole sponsor signs are all available on page 6 of this edition of your Il Leone. Also on page 6 is information about the fabulous Italian buffet, immediately after the tournament. The buffet is open not only to the golfers, but everyone. There will be raffles of gift baskets and more surprises. In other words NOVEMBER 18th, is a day for all members to golf, dine and have a magnificent time. For information on tournament, sponsoring holes, signage and just about anything call Danny or Laurie Lodolo at 818-269=7559.

Members and guests at Dolly Sinatra Lodge are blessed with amazing weekly entertainment that just simply said, gets better. Larry Capeloto and Michael D’ Angelo month in and month out are there with new shows. Over the last few years Larry has added jokes, and Michael has added dance steps, and they both change the songs and tempo and keep bringing us to new highs, never disappointing, and we’re so fortunate to have them!

ADD to this, we just had Tony D’jerlando back to do a show recently. Tony used to perform monthly here at the Lodge, but singing engagements elsewhere kept him away for a few years. Tony and the crowd had so much fun that he has agreed to come next year monthly. That’s exciting!

We also were blessed to have a new singer join the monthly mix. Eva Holmes, who has been wowing crowds throughout the desert and beyond, has joined the regular monthly rotation, and I have seen her entertain twice here this year, and is she ever fun and a joy! In the next month or so I will be writing a review of her show for the Il Leone. Come see her soon, you’ll be glad you did.

Our world of entertainment seems to reach a crescendo every time Mr. Entertainment, our very own Larry DelRose, who is taking San Diego by storm, comes to our Lodge. Besides his limitless range of showmanship, Larry always brings a guest. And he’s bringing us the best. He has visited us twice this year, and I’m still shaking my head in wonderment about his guest on April 10th. He claims to be Tino Macchia, and he was an amazing singer. Singing an array of songs, when he flipped a switch and sang three Tom Jones songs, and you couldn’t tell the difference. Shut your eyes and you’d think Mr. Entertainment had somehow persuaded Tom to visit. That simple, Tino IS Tom. Period.. Doesn’t remotely look a bit like him, but a blind person would never know.

And a month or so ago Mr. Entertainment came to host a memorial for his, and ours, departed friend and member, Jack Brennan. As you would expect Larry made it special. He brought together some of Jack’s family and friends to speak, and remember, and remind us just how wonderful Jack was. The service was warm and as Jack would have insisted, fun. So in keeping with a light theme Larry also brought a comedian, who along with a brilliant VERY funny routine, does imitations, singing and just voice. Once again, like Tino, your transported by the talent of the entertainer to believe whomever he is sounding like is here in the room.  His name is Scott Wood and they call him Mr. Punchline. I understand you can look up Scott on You Tube, and see some of his bits.

Our last meeting before closing for summer will be May 15th and will be hosted by Larry Capeloto, who like Mr. Entertainment, might show up with a guest. We will be reopening October 9, 2024!

Most importantly major thanks to all the volunteers who are the very backbone of our Lodge. See you next year, but there will be more columns before then.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786