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Heritage and Culture

Dolly Sinatra Lodge #2400

by Andy Casey

  • 22 January 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1287

Our Lodge just finished a wonderful year! A year that saw us rebound from the misery and confinements of the Covid pandemic, along with the restrictions of Palm Springs City Hall, but here we are again, standing tall and enjoying the dining and the talents of our entertainers.

And as always the sum total of our experience, and it is an amazing great time, is due to our volunteers and President Joe LaPorta. The volunteers keep the drinks flowing at the bar, make and deliver the dinner and lastly the entertainers come forth to amaze us with their versatility and talent! As Frank DiSalvo always says, we are the envy of all the other Lodges…

It was a year in which we held our third open golf tournament and buffet, which was a big success in November. Played once again under beautiful skies, and surrounded by our majestic mountains, at Indian Canyon Gold Resort. First place Team was Robert Ardalino, Steve Nolfe, Bobby Bell and Brad Green. Second place team was Frank Billante, Lou Pinotti, John Battilla and Charlie Roti. And closest to Pin was Steve Nolfe. Pictures of the winners and more surround the article. The buffet, raffles and silent auction followed the tournament, and benefitted the Western Foundation of Sons and Daughters of Italy, to the tune of a $6,000.00 donation from our Lodge! Looking forward to our next tournament!

Last year also brought us a visit from past national President Vera Girolami and her husband The Honorable Judge Al Girolami. It’s always an honor and joy to host fellow Lodge members, from other Lodges, who visit us while visiting/vacationing in the Coachella Valley!

And to make the year complete we were indeed honored to have Mr. Entertainment himself, Larry DelRose, complete with his many props, AND another entertainer accompanying him as well. This time it was a magnificent ventriloquist from San Diego, Joe Gandelman. Joe brought not one or two, but I believe six of his dummies, each one babbling away, growling away and insulting Joe. They were all a delight, as was the evening with Larry and his cornucopia of props and bits! HOPE WE’LL SEE HIM, FRANK, MICHEAL, AND LARRY, and their various guests throughout the coming year.

Hopefully we can get back to our annual dinner and dance event, with Honoree again, and many more events. In other words we’re hoping to have a fantastic 2023, to see you all in great health and happiness. We have a spectacular lodge, volunteers, entertainers and members!


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786