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Heritage and Culture

Cristoforo Colombo Lodge #1534

by Historian, Maria Nelson

  • 28 April 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1190
Cristoforo Colombo Lodge #1534

We have finally seen the end of the snow and rain. It lasted from mid-December until the beginning of April. It’s been a long, wet winter.

We have a very busy first several months of the year. We have our Festa Primavera which is our big fundraiser in May, we have added some new social events, and have a lot of new officers on our board.

In January 2023, we installed our new officers. Some long-time officers were finally able to retire, and new blood is here. Pamela Ricci, President, Madeleine Zunino Financial Secretary, and Christine Handy, Treasurer, were able to pass their tasks to new people. We are so happy to have our new President, Dawn Romero, Financial Secretary, David DiMaggio, and Treasurer, Ross Bausone on board. We also have a new secretary, Nick Simone. Everyone is doing a great job. Our Lodge presented our past president, Pamela Ricci, with a beautiful gift for her many years of service. She was very appreciative, and it is something she will use and treasure.

Our February meeting landed on Ash Wednesday, so we didn’t have as many people as usual but is was a great meatless dinner and Silvana Ricci did an informative presentation on the immigration of Italians into the country and how they were persecuted and even killed. She also spoke about the internment of the Italians during World War II, an event many people were not aware of.

March was our first Lunch Social. We are trying to get together once a month just for lunch and to better get to know each other. It’s the Lunch Social Club. Our President, Dawn Romero, also wants to start a Bingo night for one of our dinner meetings. We are looking forward to that. Joe Eidem organized an incredible St. Joseph’s Table for our March meeting. We had so many delicious desserts to enjoy and are grateful to all those members who participated. Joe also gave a presentation about the Sicilian Tradition of the St. Joseph’s Table in Italy. We had record attendance for this meeting and hope it keeps up.

In April we will be working hard for our Festa Primavera which will take place on May 6th. We have many committees to organize, lot’s of raffle prizes and silent auction items to get. We have baskets to put together and lot’s of hard work and organizing to do to present a fabulous meal and fun evening. This is always a wonderfully successful event and our members work hard every year to make it so.

Thank you for reading about our Lodge. We hope you avere la botte piena e la moglie ubriaca (have your cake and eat it to).

Please visit our Face book page at Reno Sons of Italy and our website for more information: Learn more about our Lodge, your Italian heritage and upcoming events.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786