I am happy to announce that Ken and I have received our second vaccination and are enjoying our newfound freedom. The very first thing we did was go to our young granddaughter and hug her forever. I certainly didn’t want to let her go and she let me hold on as long as I wanted. That was the hardest thing to endure while following the COVID guidelines, not seeing my grandchildren. I hope that you have all received your vaccines and have been able to get your hugs in also!
Now that Spring is finally here and we can spend more time outside, Please consider spending time together as a Lodge. If our numbers aren’t low enough to meet inside perhaps a Saturday or Sunday afternoon at a park or in a member’s backyard could be arranged. Our members are counting on Lodge Presidents to keep us together. Lodge Presidents,
I want to let you know that I have submitted my “Letter of Intent” to run for the position of your President of the Grand Lodge of California. I know that this term will not be easy coming back from the Pandemic, but I know that I am up to the challenge. I know that our Officers and Members are with us because of their Love of the Order. I am calling upon you all to share with family, friends, and neighbors, why you love the Order and bring them into our Fraternal Family. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me and I will be happy to discuss them.
I receive a periodical each week, the “Italian Tribune”. I know there are many of you who also subscribe to it. As I was reading my January 21st issue, I came across a short article about the Colosseum in Rome. Ken and I got to visit the Colosseum last March before the pandemic closed Italy. While I was standing on the sides looking down at the area that held the animals, gladiators, and later, the Christians to be sacrificed, I
I want to congratulate our Lodge Presidents who are setting up either all Zoom or Hybrid meetings. Some of our Lodges are doing take out/drive by dinners to keep in touch and to do fundraising during this time. There is one Lodge that is doing a “Dining on Zoom” meeting twice a month. They pick a type of food and everyone makes it. Then they spend an hour eating and socializing. If you don’t make the meal you can still socialize. It is a wonderful way to keep in touch safely. All our Lodges are doing a great job of keeping in touch with our members.
We have just celebrated Valentine’s Day. Here are some fun facts about the history of this day. This day is celebrated in Italy but didn’t start with Saint Valentine it began about eight hundred years before he was born. Valentine’s day history has its roots in ancient Roman culture
With the beginning of a new year, I am raring to get back to my Sons and Daughters of Italy family.
Your Vice-Presidents are still sending emails to your Lodge Presidents telling them what other Lodges are doing during this time. I think the best way to keep you all engaged is through communication. Without communication we are all disconnected from our Order. I love the way some of our Lodge Presidents are posting on social media interesting facts from Italy or information on our Order. I know of several Lodges that have increased members during this time by reaching out to friends that may be interested. Remember the words of our Membership Chair of the North, Louie Lodi, “JUST ASK”. That holds true even during a pandemic. If you are speaking with someone who is not a member, remember why you joined and share. We will be back together soon to share the fraternity
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786