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Heritage and Culture

Camelia – Colombo Lodge #1294

Turns 100 years old!

  • 1 June 2024
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 639
Camelia – Colombo Lodge #1294

On Sunday, April 14, 2024, members and friends of Camelia – Colombo Lodge #1294, Order of the Sons and Daughters of Italy in America gathered at Red Rooster’s Grill to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Lodge.  We were honored to have four Grand Lodge of California officers in attendance to help us celebrate and to present the Lodge with recognition of our 100 years.  In attendance were Arlene Nunziati State President, Louie Lodi State Second Vice President, Barbara Fumosa Wisniewski Immediate Past President, and Lynn Lawrence Murphy Past President.  We also had in attendance Joe Bonino President of Eureka Lodge #1274 who celebrated their 100th anniversary two weeks earlier.

A fun time was had by all starting with a social hour where lots of memories were being remembered, followed by dinner and a program.  All members were given certificates of recognition for their membership. One of Camelia- Colombo’s members was recognized for 80 years of continuous membership.  She is Yolanda Rosterolla.  The Grand Lodge later informed us that upon further review they found there are only two people in the United States with 80 year membership and one is our very own Yolanda.

So congratulations to Yolanda and to Camelia – Colombo Lodge #1294

In the pictures

Yolanda Rosterolla is receiving her 80 year recognition from Grand Lodge President Arlene Nunziati and our Lodge President Oliver Spires.

Helping Camelia - Colombo Lodge celebrate its’ 100th year are front row Arlene Nunziati State President and Barbara Fumosa Wisniewski, Immediate Past President.  Second Row Lynn Lawrence Murphy - Past President, Dave Doveri, our Lodges Vice President, and Louie Lodi State Second Vice President.  Back row Oliver Spires our Lodge’s President and Joe Bonino President Eureka Lodge #1274  Thanks to all for celebrating with us


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786