Greetings from Redding,
At our October General Meeting we welcomed four new members to our Shasta Lodge. Fred and Lisa Alexander, Jo Aranda, and Rhonda Arnold. We are very happy to have them in our Shasta Lodge family.
We held our annual Thanksgiving Memorial Dinner on November 9th. We had over 100 members and guests in attendance. President Jim Nobili and Chaplain Charlotte Bailey read the names and rang the bell for our
Italian Love for Bodega Bay
Those of you that don’t know Bodega Bay, it is one of those small communities, dependent on fishing and tourism, that is about a 1.5 hour drive north of San Francisco, via Hwy 101. I first visited there to fish in September of 1994, and had no idea that an event was taking place in Italy, that would deeply affect and intertwine the close-knit town and the Italian people, as well as myself.
I was by chance, camping on the north end of Bodega Bay in September 2024, at Bodega Dunes State Park. Having visited Bodega Bay many times in 30 years, Bodega Dunes was one of my favorite parks,
Thank you to all who worked so hard to sell tickets, gather the ingredients, prepare the meal, wait on the tables, and serve during our October 20th polenta and chicken Pinochi and Stagnoli scholarship dinner. Two hundred and ten dinners were served and two dozen takeouts were driven to Frye’s Care Home in Eureka.
Special honor to our chefs and food preparers: Dave Olivieri, Bill Chino, John Senestraro,
After 24 years we again turned to the “sea” to have a September Grand Council meeting! Forty three of us got together for the cruise. On Friday the Trustees met “informally” to check the books and found everything in order! Only Trustee Renee Adair was unable to participate.
Saturday all the State Officers who attended (Orator Mary Jane Cambria was unable to join us due to a previous commitment)
Our Veterans Stand Down pasta dinner at the Ferndale fairgrounds served over 150 hungry vets on September 27th. This is always a special and meaningful event, however, sadly Caterina Stagnoli one of our most faithful potluck attendees was not with us. Thank you Dave and Donna Olivieri for organizing it every year. The September potluck consisted of a lot of good food and fellowship.
No meeting in November. The Christmas
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786