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Heritage and Culture

Anaheim Lodge #2076

by Fran D’Errico, Recording Secretary

  • 2 June 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1234
Anaheim Lodge #2076

Ciao to all our Fraternal Lodges. Can you believe it; that half the year is here. As the old saying goes, time flies when you're having fun.

Also, we are preparing for The Grand Lodge Convention in Reno at the end of June.

ANAHEIM LODGE Celebrated our 65th Anniversary on May 7, 2023. The dinner was held at the Elks Lodge in Brea, CA. We were honored to have in attendance, State 2nd. Vice President, Mark Vaona. State Financial Secretary, David Lavezzari. President of the Centinela Valley Lodge 1991, Steve Guthrie, and Queen of the Anaheim Lodge our lovely, Natalie Lavezzari.

We honored one of our very own members. David D'Ordine, his parents Joe and the (late Carol) were original founding members of the Anaheim Lodge. David has been a member for over 30 years. He is always there willing to help. His dedication and loyalty is without saying, and now David has taken over several duties that his father Joe use to do. David has held different positions in the lodge. David and his wife Valerie will be celebrating their 25th Anniversary in October. They have a beautiful daughter Alicia, who graduated college has an RN.

We had several of our Jr. Members and Young Adults in attendance and these young people have been members since they were babies. In the picture they are, Marissa Lavezzari, Alicia D'Ordine, Raul Lemus, Meaghan Guthrie, Natalie Lavezzari, and Elizabeth Lavezzari. Also some of their parents have been long standing members of the Anaheim Lodge since they were very young. It was a lovely Sunday event with seeing and catching up with members and friends.

UP COMING EVENTS: Fliers to be sent out for the events in advance, and more information in later issues of the Il Leone.

July: Annual Lodge Picnic, Place TBD. August: Dark for summer meetings. (But we are looking into an Angels game for a group rate. September: Event TBD. October: CASINO. November: Fall Harvest Dinner. December: Christmas Party.

Always Remember we encourage you to attend and support our lodge... If you need a ride, call any officer and we will make arrangements for transportation. If you have Italian and non Italian friends who wish to come to our events, please bring them and see what a fun time we have and very friendly members. Our lodge has always been family & friends, oriented and we still encourage this standard in our lodge. We all want our Italian Heritage to continue for generations to come.

For more information please feel free to contact any of the officers from the Anaheim Lodge.

Also for Dates and Times of Meetings and Events if you need that information.

God Bless those Serving and Protecting our country and those who protect and service us here at home every day.

Arrivederci, and Stay Safe and Healthy until we all meet again.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786