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Heritage and Culture

Anaheim Lodge #2076

by Fran D’Errico, Recording Secretary

  • 7 June 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1528

In Loving Memory:
It is with a sad heart that I start this article from the Anaheim Lodge. On Monday May 16th Carol D’Ordine, the wife of Joseph D’Ordine passed away. She had been in the Rehab Center for about a month. Carol was scheduled to go home on Monday with a Home Health Care person.

Carol was a long time member of the Anaheim Lodge, and was Mistress of Ceremonies. She loved playing Cards and Bingo. Carol was very active in the lodge. We are all shocked and very sadden with the sudden passing of our beloved member. Rest in Peace Dear Carol.

Sunday May 15th the Anaheim Lodge #2076 celebrated our 64th Anniversary. We honored Dora Vorono who has been a member for over 30 years and has held various positions. Doro has been a Trustee, Delegate to the Grand Lodge, and for many of these past years as Treasurer of the Anaheim Lodge. She also has hosted many committees, especially the St. Joseph’s Table. We are proud to honor such a valuable member of the lodge.

We were delighted to have several guests; Steve Guthrie President of the Centinela Valley Lodge, Rosemarie Vanderhaar Scholarship Committee Chair, Marissa Lavezzari Social Media Committee Chair, David Lavezzari State Financial Secretary. Our best wishes go out to the following that were unable to join us, due to last minute Health Issues. Pauline Richmond State First Vice President, Pamela Buldo State Trustee Central, Mary Jane Cambia President of the Renaissance Lodge and Tom Rizzo.

For more information please feel free to contact any of the officers from the Anaheim Lodge.

Also for Dates and Times of Meetings and Events if you need that information. God Bless those serving and protecting our country and those who protect and service us here at home every day.

Arrivederci, and Stay Safe and Healthy until we all meet again.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786