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Heritage and Culture

Anaheim Lodge #2076

by Fran D’Errico, Recording Secretary

  • 1 May 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1949

     In Loving Memory: It is with a sad heart that I start this article from the Anaheim Lodge. On Saturday April 17, 2022 Josephine Zannitto passed away peacefully with no illnesses, she now has gone to be with her husband Ralph. Josie was our oldest member at 100 years and 5 months. She has been a member of the Anaheim Lodge since 1971. Josie was very active in her younger days with our Anaheim Bowling League. But she still enjoyed coming to our Casino Nights and Bingo, right up to the end. Josie you will be missed, your personality was always pleasant and you were a friend to everyone.
     On Saturday April 2, 2022, the Anaheim Lodge #2076 crowned their new lodge queen Natalie Lavezzari. The event was held at the Women’s Civic Club in Garden Grove. The Anaheim Lodge is proud to continue its standing tradition of Lodge queens. Natalie’s Nonna, Babe Peluso, was the first queen of the Anaheim Lodge. Natalie was preceded by a long list of family members who were also queens of the Anaheim Lodge. She hopes to participate in the Grand Lodge Royal Pageant in the near future. Natalie, the officers, and members of the lodge are very proud of you.
CONGRATULATION to all the Anaheim Lodge Junior Members, we are so proud of all of you.
     Elizabeth Lavezzari will graduate Summa Cum Laude from California State University, Sacramento on May 21, 2022. She will be receiving her degree in Political Science with a minor in Women studies. Elizabeth will begin working in the district office of Senator Josh Newman after graduation.
     Marissa Lavezzari will graduate with honors from Golden West College on May 26, 2022, with an Associate of Arts in Communication. She will attend California State College, Fullerton in the fall in the Communications/Journalism Program. Marissa currently co-hosts a Sunday Sports radio broadcast show and hopes to one day be a post-game reporter for the Los Angeles Dodgers.
     Natalie Lavezzari is currently a junior at Pacifica High School in Garden Grove. She will be a three-year member of the Pacifica Dance Team her senior year. Natalie loves are and hopes to pursue a career with arts in the future.
     Alyssa D’Errico: will be graduating with honors from Orange Coast College May 27, 2022, with and Associates of Arts in Business Finance. She has made the Honor Roll and Deans list several times. She will then be attending the University of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania in the fall to complete her BA degree in Business Finance.
     Ashley D’Errico: will be graduating from El Dorado High School on June 16, 2022. She received from the Science Department, the Eureka Award in Physiology. She also has made the honor roll each semester. She also volunteered at St. Jude’s Hospital this last year in the Oncology Dept. In the fall she will be attending Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee. She is perusing a career in Physician Assistant. First she will get her Nursing Degree.
     Meagan Guthrie: is currently working and will be attending college in the fall. She took a gap year and is eager to get back to her education again.
     Amanda Guthrie: will graduate from Cypress High School on May 25, 2022. She will be attending California State University, Sacrament n the fall, majoring in Political Science.
     Alicia D’Ordine: is on the Dean’s list at West Coast University, Orange County. She will graduate in November of 2023 with her Nursing Degree.
     Raul Lemus: graduated from Santa Clara University with a Master of finance. He is currently pursuing his music career and can be found on Sportily and YouTube.
     Francesca Lemus: is attending California State University, San Diego. She is majoring in Musical Theater and has also done some directing.
     Mia Guilfoile: will be a junior at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, majoring in Biology.
     Gabe Eggerling: will be completing his freshman year at Syracuse in New York, majoring In Architecture.  He has already received awards for his work.
     Tristian Eggerling: is a freshman in high school. Not only does school and soccer keep him busy, but he also continues to pursue his acting career. Most recently, he was featured in the movie Halloween Kills.
     Jordan Lavezzari: will be a senior at Arizona State University. She was just accepted to Cronkite News Phoenix for her senior year “Professional Program”.
     Remember we encourage you to attend and support our lodge... If you need a ride, call any officer and we will make arrangements for transportation. If you have Italian and non Italian friends who wish to come to our events, please bring them and see what a fun time we have and very friendly members. Our lodge has always been family & friends, oriented and we still encourage this standard in our lodge. We all want our Italian Heritage to continue for generations to come.
     For more information please feel free to contact any of the officers from the Anaheim Lodge.
     Also for Dates and Times of Meetings and Events if you need that information.
     God Bless those Serving and Protecting our country and those who protect and service us here at home every day.
     Arrivederci, and Stay Safe and Healthy until we all meet again.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786