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Heritage and Culture

Anaheim Lodge #2076

by Fran D’Errico, Recording Secretary

  • 31 December 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1910

HAPPY NEW YEAR 2022; from the Anaheim Lodge and we are wishing all the lodges to start this New Year with Health, Hope, Prosperity and much love. “SAVE THE DATE” SUNDAY - MAY 15, 2022. ANAHEIM LODGE; 64TH ANNIVERSARY. All lodges will be sent more information at the beginning of the year. Please remember that when you do your calendars for 2022 that you keep it in mind to save this date for the Anaheim Lodge. Members of Anaheim Lodge will also receive information regarding the Anniversary.

On Saturday Dec. 18th; The Anaheim Lodge had their Annual Christmas Party and Toy Donations were brought by everyone. On Sunday December 19th, our President Mariann Aita and Past President Charles Aita delivered the toys to the Placentia Fire Department. They were so happy to accept them for distribution to underprivileged children.

February 19th we will have a dinner and crown our new Queen Natalie Lavezzari. She is the 3rd sister, and daughter of David and Eva Lavezzari to be Queen. She is caring on the tradition of the family.
March 19th will be our Annual St. Joseph Table. This has been a tradition for many, many years for the Anaheim Lodge.
A full schedule of events for the Anaheim Lodge will be listed in the next Il Leona.

Remember we encourage you to attend and support our lodge... If you need a ride, call any officer and we will make arrangements for transportation. If you have Italian and non Italian friends who wish to come to our events, please bring them and see what a fun time we have and very friendly members. Our lodge has always been family oriented and we still encourage this standard in our lodge. We all want our Italian Heritage to continue for generations to come. For more information please feel free to contact any of the officers from the Anaheim Lodge.

Also for Dates and Times of Meetings and Events if you need that information. God Bless those Serving and Protecting our country and All the essential workers who are still on the job through this pandemic that we pray will soon be gone completely.

Arrivederci, and Stay Safe and Healthy until we all meet again.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786