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Heritage and Culture

Rodolfo Valentino Lodge #1449

by Carol Watson, President; Lou Catallo, Historian; (559) 299-2205

  • 27 April 2020
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 8380

Last Month: Canceled again because of stuff we could not control; Notre Dame Hall was, and will remain, closed for the duration of the COVID problem.

My wife has been so caring during this crisis: she keeps stuffing a pillow on my face at night to protect me from the covid virus.

I saw a sign in a home window that said: “Do not let the cat out no matter what he says”; in the window I could see the cat holding a sign that said “Let me out; I have toilet paper”.

Dr. Oz and Dr. Phil are still reminding us: wash, wash, wash your hands, and avoid touching your face, nose, eyes, and mouth, and prevent others from doing that to you, too. Use ordinary soap and water to wash up. If you are having difficulty breathing, it is time to call your medical care provider. With all the hand washing maybe we should have bought more hand lotion?

The United Lodges of the Central San Joaquin Valley: Next Meeting will be June 07 of 2020 (Heaven allowing) in Clovis.

This Month, Monday, May 18, 2020, our meeting will most likely be cancelled.

When I was young and single, I told a young lady I was looking for a girl with personality; she told me I was lucky, because she had so many of them.

We can’t predict the future impact of this COVID problem, so stay tuned to your TV newscasters.

April’s Mega-Lotto prize in New Jersey was a 12 pack of toilet paper. We had a hard time deciding where to spend our Easter last month, living room or dining room.

“Hello” and “Ciao” to our friends in San Francisco!

The Grand Lodge Convention that was scheduled for June 25 in Concord, CA, has been cancelled following a poll of the lodges. The announcement was made by Grand Lodge President, John Costa.

It is with a sad heart that we are reporting on the passing of our good friend Rose Schafer Storelli, a member since 1970, and wife to Joe Storelli, also a member until he passed. Rose came here in 1948 from North Dakota at age 22 and married Joe four years later. She and Joe operated fruit orchards in their early years and were active in Lodge activities. She was a wonderful friend.

Amerigo Vespucci, (03/09/1454 – 02/22/1512) of Florence, made 4 trips to the American continents in his lifetime, mostly to and around South America. His maps were invaluable to future explores of the area; when Magellan’s crew were frightened of the seas at Tierra Del Fuego, Magellan calmed them by telling them to “fear not, for I know the way”. He was relying on maps drawn by Vespucci himself to steer safely through the area. He wrote a great deal of his travels and recognized that the new territories were not Asia or India, but new continents. Cartographer Martin Waldseemüller was so impressed by his travels that he began applying the name “America” to the new lands.

-An old Italian proverb says: “Amico di tutti e di nessuno è tutt’uno”: … A friend to all and a friend to none is one and the same..=

There was so much panic buying this past month that Walmart had to open up checkout aisle 3.

An educated person is one that has learned how to learn and change; change yourself with a scholarship by contacting Isabel Ronzano; large national and state SDoI scholarships are also offered.

Join Us: If you have friends or family that are looking for good fellowship and a place to hang out on the third Monday of each month, invite them to join you at our meetings, 6:30 PM, at Notre Dame Hall, 333 8th Street, at DeWitt Avenue. We feature short meetings, great companionship, and superb food. Our web site is

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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786