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Heritage and Culture

Summary of the Winter National Plenary

by Lynn Lawrence-Murphy National Trustee, California

  • 17 March 2021
  • Author: New Host
  • Number of views: 2318

The following is a brief summary of the National Plenary Zoom Meeting conducted by National President Nancy DiFiore Quinn on Saturday, February 13th. The Meeting opened with Prayer by Father Forno, Pledge of Allegiance by President Nancy, the National and Italian Anthems sung by our own Maria Pignati. It was great seeing the faces of so many of our brothers and sisters throughout the country. Even though we could not physically hug, everyone’s warm smiles and greetings conveyed the spirit of fraternity.

Reports were given by President Nancy and the 5 Vice Presidents keeping us up to date as what is happening at the National level. Kudos were extended many times by all as to the competency and commitment of the Office Staff.

The Membership Committee has been busily working with the Technology Committee reaching out to increase membership. While our membership num-bers have dropped some, they have seen a big increase in the Members-At-Large level. National has extended the waiving of the $8.00 national new mem-ber fee until August 2021. They are in the progress of establishing a member profile which will hopefully be available to all members by Spring 2022. It would only be available to OSDIA members. It would be a great way for us to connect to other members across the nation, to connect with our older mem-bers who could offer a wealth of experiences and contacts, as well as sharing with younger members their expertise and share the background of our Order with its rich culture. Membership held a Slogan Contest that ended February 25 - the winner will be announced in March. New Jersey has a new lodge (The Mother Cabrini Lodge) that recently opened composed of 75 young profession-al women. It is growing stronger by the day.

The Technology Committee has made great strides reaching out to younger members through Facebook, etc. The OSDIA Interviews are entering Season 3. A Huge Success! They have had great followings which have opened doors in many directions thanks to the Stars and the people interviewed, and to the audience viewing them. Hope you have viewed a few of these videos on Facebook or You Tube. Recently they had a series on Alzheimer’s and Autism (with Doug Flute and his wife sharing their experiences with their son). They are working on several other projects to share “our best kept secret-OSDIA” to the entire country.

Don’t forget the National Business Directory mentioned in the Italian Ameri-ca Magazine. All proceeds go to CSJ. This is a great way to advertise your business and make your expertise available to all members as well as those new in your ar-ea.

The National Historian is in the process of a Grand Lodge History Project sharing the history of many Grand Lodges and a few Subordinate Lodges through-out the country. She hopes to create a video in the near future.

A Special Supreme Convention will take place on Saturday, March 6th. All 2019 National Delegates have been notified, and further information on this Zoom Meeting will be sent to them. Information on voting electronically will be shared as well as by-law changes need to be voted on.

CSJ has been busily working on the Columbus Issues and trying to restore or repair statues taken down or damaged. OSDIA CSJ has joined the National Colum-bus Educational Organization which will be holding a National Meeting (with 1300 people in attendance) to fight the antidiscrimination issue. Information will be sent out to state and local lodges.

The NELA Gala held in May will be virtual this year honoring the National Scholarship Recipients and the honored guests. We will be donating our 9th van to a disabled veteran. Fantastic!

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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786