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Heritage and Culture

Roma Lodge #1573 Tulare, CA

by Larry Dutto-Roma Lodge President

  • 31 December 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1888

December was a busy month for Roma Lodge members. The lodge held their annual Christmas party and a fundraiser drive-thru on the same day. We had over 120 members attend the Christmas party with nearly 30 junior members receiving candy stockings from Santa Claus. The “Dinner for Two” ravioli dinner drive-thru was also very successful with over 300 meals served which included ravioli, BBQ chicken, rigatoni, salad, bread, green beans, and wine. The organization is planning on having their Italian food booth at the World Ag Expo in February.

Roma Lodge lost a 52-year member of the lodge with the passing of Diane Della. She received her bachelor’s degree from the Conservatory of Music at University of Pacific in Stockton, CA. Diane had a 30+ years long career at Fresno Unified where she created curriculum used in many classrooms today. She wrote the “Recorder Book”, as well as lesson plans to teach classroom music for K - 3 students. Her accomplishments were recognized when she was awarded the Peripole General Music Educators Award in 2001 by the California Music Educators Association.

Lena Briano passed away on December 1st and was a 21-year member of Roma Lodge. Lena was very proud of her Italian-Swiss ancestry. Along with husband Albert they were lifelong dairy farmers who moved to the Tulare area from Ontario in 1993. She enjoyed participating in lodge activities and was always a big supporter of the charitable causes of the lodge. For many years she could be found in the kitchen at the annual Christmas party peeling sweet potatoes for the ham and yam luncheon enjoyed by all. Farewell Sisters Diane Della and Lena Briano. You will be truly missed by the members of Roma Lodge. May you both rest in eternal peace.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786