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Heritage and Culture

Roma Lodge #1573

Larry Dutto - President

  • 1 November 2024
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 362
Roma Lodge #1573

“Make Columbus Great Again”

For many years Roma Lodge members have celebrated Columbus Day with a picnic and bocce tournament at Mooney’s Grove Park.  Unfortunately, the community had little knowledge of the event and many associate Columbus Day with the closing of local banks or a school holiday.  This year members decided to hold their annual ravioli dinner drive thru to promote our Italian Culture during Italian Heritage month.   We served 600 meals to the local community and donated our leftovers to the Salt & Light homeless facility in Visalia.  Each takeout bag featured an information insert explaining the history of Roma Lodge and how they can become members of the Order.


Members of Roma Lodge #1573, Order of the Sons and Daughters of Italy in America, want to thank you for purchasing our ravioli dinner.  Roma Lodge has been in the Tulare Community for nearly 95 years, being established in May of 1930.  The lodge was created to encourage recent Italian Immigrants to become American Citizens. The Tulare City Council has proclaimed October as Italian Heritage Month and we are holding our dinner during Christopher Columbus weekend to bring back awareness to the importance of his contributions to our country.  If you would like more information about Roma Lodge you can visit our website at or contact us by emailing our president Larry Dutto at  If you are of Italian Heritage and would like to join as a social member our organization, we meet the first Monday of each month at the IAC Social Hall.  Again, thanks for your support.  As a non-profit organization we will use the proceeds from the dinner to support our scholarship efforts and donations to charitable groups in the Tulare community.

Camilla Pitigliano proudly displays her “Make Columbus Great Again” tee shirt where over 50 members purchased to wear in the community to support Italian Heritage month and Columbus Day!

Family Affair

It took over 60 members of Roma Lodge to prepare a great meal.  Included in the mix were many junior members who helped serve food, make salads or cook.  As an example is the Sola Family, (l-R) Reid, Ivy, Vin, Eloise, Pam, Kurt and Vince, who handles the making of the green beans The success and future of every lodge depends on keeping young adults and junior members active in lodge activities.     More great pictures can be found on the Roma Lodge website.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786