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Heritage and Culture

Roma Lodge #1573

by Larry Dutto-President

  • 26 February 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2267

The pandemic has created a “new normal” if you will, as long held traditions or activities have been modified, done with a different approach, or simply canceled and may never return. For over 80 years Roma Lodge held its annual charity fundraiser an annual ravioli dinner. In the 1950’s it was the social event of the year for the small town of Tulare where over 1,250 people attended for a homemade dinner of ravioli, chicken and spaghetti. Attendees enjoyed an evening of great food, dancing to a live band and wine came with the meal for the low, low price of $3 per person. Now, some 70 years later, after the pandemic saw the dinner canceled, it has been converted to a drive through “Dinner for Two” which has been very successful.

Roma Lodge has been selling Italian sausage sandwiches since the World Ag Expo was started at the Tulare Fair Grounds in 1968, 54 years ago. The show was virtual in 2021 and returned to the show grounds this year. The lodge started with a temporary booth on skids with two pallets behind it to cook on and when the show was moved to the new grounds in 1984, they were forced to build another temporary booth. In the picture on the left (l-r) Mary Berra, Frieda and Ed Dutto, Agnes Pelous, Lupe Briano and Fred Miguel sold sandwiches and waited on customers. Only Agnes Pelous is still with us and will turn 100 years of age this July. These members formed the foundation of carrying on the Italian Culture in Tulare County and served as the inspiration for our members today to continue to provide attendees at the World Ag Expo with a great meal.

With changing health requirements for the show, the lodge built a permanent building in 2000 and uses the facility each year to offer attendees Italian sausage sandwiches, pasta, salads, drinks, and Dole Whip frozen desserts. About 40 members assist during the week and over 700 sandwiches and 300 pasta dinners are served to hungry attendees. Many folks return to the booth to get a great meal at a fair price. Roma Lodge members are dedicated to keeping the booth at the show and is one of the very few charitable organizations who have been at the show since its inception 54 years ago. Michael DePaoli and Melissa Watkins have served as co-chairs for the event since 2013 and have worked very hard in changing the menu, bringing forth new ideas to attract new customers to the booth. If we have learned anything from the pandemic our new normal maybe nothing like our old normal. Stay tuned!


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786