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Heritage and Culture

Roma Lodge #1573

by Larry Dutto - President

  • 29 May 2020
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2560

The COVID-19 Pandemic has forced Roma Lodge to cancel meetings in April, May and June, our 90th Anniversary celebration in April, our annual ravioli dinner in May, starting in 1934, scholarship night and attendance at the Grand Lodge Convention in June.

We do have some great news to share which is that our Roma Lodge Queen and Miss California, Gianna Benedetti has won the $5,000 Trinchero Perpetual Scholarship which is the highest scholastic award given by the Grand Lodge. She is ranked #1 in her graduating class with a 4.83 GPA and is headed to Cal Poly in the fall to major in Architectural Engineering.

As with a lot of things the pandemic has cancelled many graduation ceremonies across the country and Gianna will be deprived of walking across the stage with her classmates in celebration of an outstanding high school career. As Roma Lodge members we would like to share her accomplishments and dedicate this article in the IL Leone to her. To let others in the Grand Lodge, know a little more about Gianna we asked her to share some of her high school experiences.

Have you always been a good student academically or did you have to set measurable goals to achieve academic success through hard work?

I have always been an excellent student and have been pushed by my teachers and parents to take challenging courses from a young age- even enrolling in College of the Sequoias math courses as a seventh grader.

When you entered high school, did you have a goal to be the valedictorian of your graduating class and ranked #1 as a senior?

Being #1 or valedictorian did not become a goal of mine until my Junior year. Starting high school I just truly wanted to learn as much as I could and earn college credit from my AP classes.

You have demonstrated your achievements both academically and through student leadership activities such as sports and club organizations like the FFA. How were you able to achieve in both areas successfully?

When I began enrolling in advanced math classes, compared to others in my grade, my academic skills became more apparent to myself. Throughout the years it became more challenging to balance extracurriculars with an increasing school workload, but by prioritizing my education it was achievable.

Was getting good grades a result of being ranked #1 in your class or having the options to select the major and college you wanted to attend?

Attending the college of my choice has always been on my mind and as I planned to become an engineer, I knew it would take strong grades and test scores to achieve that goal. Being Valedictorian was a great byproduct of my success!

I am sure it is heartbreaking to not be able to have the normal graduation ceremonies, senior activities, prom, etc., etc. because of the pandemic. What will you miss the most and why?

I am most saddened that I do not get to cherish the time I have left with my close friends before we head our separate ways this coming year and that we do not get a proper graduation ceremony.

What advice would you give incoming freshmen, with lofty academic goals as you have achieved in high school?

I would advise incomers to take advantage of the support of their teachers and counselors as they are truly there to help you, and to try out new extracurriculars-whether it be clubs, sports, FFA, ASB, etc.- to find new interests, friends, and not feel too overwhelmed with just school work.

You have represented Roma Lodge as our lodge queen for the past four years. You have done so with grace and willingness to do whatever was requested by our lodge or the Grand Lodge. What do you feel was your most rewarding experience as a lodge queen?

My favorite parts of being the lodge queen are feeling more connected to my Italian heritage and members and attending the annual convention. I was able to build more relationships with other Italians, learn something new at events- such as how to play Bocce and say some words in Italian,- and celebrate my heritage with others.

What advice would you give young ladies who may someday represent Roma Lodge as queen?

To new queens: Cherish every moment because it flies by! Be grateful for Roma Lodge because they are so extremely supportive and will make the process of being queen as easy as possible. Remember to get out of your comfort zone, talk to members, and get out on the dance floor at conventions! You won’t regret it.

In the fall it will be off to Cal Poly to start your collegiate career. Do you have any final words of advice for Roma Lodge members as you complete your reign?

To the Members: I will miss you and all your great food! Thank you for everything!!!

Categories: Uncategorized

Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786