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Heritage and Culture

Rodolfo Valentino Lodge #1449

by Carol Watson, President - Lou Catallo, Historian

  • 7 July 2020
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2418

Last Month: Same as the month of May; sitting at home trying to figure out as much as possible during this “learning” experience, such as: how far is 6 feet; finding the directional arrows at the grocery aisles; a face mask doesn’t work when it is only covering your chin (New York Governor Cuomo says that is a “chin guard”; at Lockheed we called it a “snood”). I have washed my hands so much lately that I uncovered crib notes on my palms from a test I had in high school. I also learned that, while air at home is free, it costs $400+ per day when it is delivered via a respirator in a hospital.

The United Lodges of the Central San Joaquin Valley: We had to cancel our June meeting at Andiamo’s; my apologies to Jennifer. The next one meeting will be sponsored by the Fresno Lodge in September, most likely at the Spaghetti Factory.

This Month, Monday, July 20, 2020, our meeting will most likely be cancelled, but stay tuned. One of these days, normalcy will prevail. Don’t you miss those potlucks?

Although Julius Caesar was a Roman, he is the most famous Italian ever known. At the time he was declared Emperor of Rome, the nation’s boundaries were at their most extreme. After his assassination (March 15, 44BC), at the hands of the Roman Senate, he was autopsied and found to have been stabbed 23 times; this was one of the earliest autopsies ever recorded. His death was attributed to “excess loss of blood”. At least 60 Senators were party to the murder, led by Marcus Brutus (of “et tu, Brutus”, fame), Gaius Cassius, and Decimus Brutus.

“Hello” and “Ciao” to our friends in San Francisco!

Most people that suffer shark attacks are wet at the time, so, keep yourself dry to be safe.

In Italian, “Chiodo Scaccia Chiodo” literally means that a nail drives out a nail, but what it means is “do not worry, you will get over it”. (The old nail is rusty, the new nail is bright and shiny, so, the new will be better than the old.) This is great for consoling the lovelorn.

These are the times that we need to support our friends: get your take-out orders from our old stand-by restaurants: Lunas, at 299-4141; Andiamo’s, at 299-4141; Boo Boo Bean Bakery, at 570-8093; and Clovis DiCicco’s at 299-3711; and, don’t forget to tip.

-Critical Italian word to know: “Mangiamo”, or “Let us eat”.

The goal of education is to increase intelligence and character; get both with a scholarship by calling Isabel Ronzano; large national and state SDoI scholarships are also offered.

Join Us: If you have friends or family that are looking for good fellowship and a place to hang out on the third Monday of each month, invite them to join you at our meetings, 6:30 PM, at Notre Dame Hall, 333 8th Street, at DeWitt Avenue. We feature short meetings, great companionship, and superb food. Our web site is

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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786