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Heritage and Culture

Northern Solano Lodge # 2534

by Shirley Firpo

  • 18 August 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2139

California has finally opened its doors. After months of staying at home, masking and social distancing, it was wonderful seeing all our lodge friends. Northern Solano Lodge #2534 is open for business once again.

Zoom meetings were required for January through April. Our first in person meeting was in May. It was great to see everyone again. Activities are picking up too. Our Out to Lunch coordinators, Kay Locatelli and Pam Boes, are busy planning new lunch locations for us to visit.

In May we visited Jelly Belly in Fairfield, June’s luncheon was at Pietros #2 in Vacaville and in July we enjoyed

Election Results

June 26, 2021

  • 7 July 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2335
State President Barbara Wisniewski
State Vice Presidents  
Northern District Louie Lodi
Central District Pauline Richmond
Southern District Mark Vaona
State Orator Manny Finazzo
State Recording Secretary Lori Rossi
State Financial Secretary David Lavezzari
State Treasurer Joy Bruno
State Trustees
Northern District
Anna Graeber
Renee Adair
State Trustees
Central District
Pamela Buldo
Frank Locicero
State Trustees
Southern District
Mary Jane Cambria
Hank Lowinger
Arbiters Mark Rossi
Pam Ricci
Joseph Simoni
Annette Porter
Andy Pampuro

The National Delegates will be voted on by a mailed secret ballot after Convention is over.

The Nominees are: Arlene Nunziati, Mark Vaona, Pauline Richmond and Maria Fassio-Pignati. We will vote for 3.

Any Lodge up for a Challenge?

Marisa and Alan Miller

  • 27 June 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 0
Any Lodge up for a Challenge?

Marisa and Alan Miller, membership co-chairs, haven’t let COVID-19 stop them from discovering new members who want to join our Sons of Italy community. Meet two of Napa Lodges’ newest members!

Rex is a Senior Executve with Vision Service Plan. His partner, Otto, is engaged in property management with the Napa Women’s Club and supports COVID-19 vaccinaLon pop-up clinics in Santa Rosa, California. Rex served on the board for Sacramento Habitat for Humanity for nine years. Otto served in leadership with the Sacramento based Methodist Church, strategically

A Message from State President

John Costa

  • 1 June 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2230
A Message from State President

I know everyone is looking forward to getting back to the “new normal”, attending meetings, cooking dinners, fundraising and attending celebrations. A lot of things we all have missed over the last almost 18 months. Time is coming for this to happen, but we still have to be cautious.

We are in the midst of currently planning our “ZOOM” State Convention; this will be new for all of us so please be patient. The plan is to take care of business in morning then our National 1st Vice President has asked to speak to the convention delegates; afterwards we will have installation of the new officers. This will take everyone’s cooperation to achieve this but I have confidence in all of you.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s day celebration. For many this was the first time to see our families” safely”. The next celebration is Father’s day. Again please everyone be careful.

It is nice to see that many Lodges are slowly meeting

A Message from the State 1st Vice President

Barbara Wisniewski

  • 1 June 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2166
A Message from the State 1st Vice President

Can you believe it is June and our Convention will be at the end of the month? I’m looking forward to seeing many of you on Zoom. Although the Convention will be different this year, we plan to get work completed. If you have any questions on the Convention, don’t be afraid to ask. We will get the answer to you.

I know it has been a hard year for everyone, but we know that the need for donations has increased as the fundraising has decreased. Please, if you can see your way clear, donate to one of the charities or scholarships through the Grand Lodge at Convention.

I hope many of you sent emails to the New York City Mayor DeBlasio. It is a shame that an Italian American led the removal of the Columbus Day holiday in the New York City Schools. Chancellor Ross Porter, who is not of Italian descent could possibly be excused but there is no excuse for the Mayor.

We in the California Grand Lodge have a Columbus

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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786