Buon Anno Nuovo from Cristoforo Columbo Lodge #1534 in Reno, Nevada. We hope 2025 brings you good health and happiness.
July is our no-meeting month but many of us attended an Aces baseball game in Reno organized by Donna and Suraj Zutshi. It was a big success, a beautiful day, and we all had a wonderful time. August is usually our annual picnic but this year the picnic didn’t take place for various reasons. We plan a very big and fun picnic this year in August. It
I hope everyone had a beautiful Christmas and that Santa Claus was good to you!
My holidays were great, I ate too much and partied a lot! Everyone was home for Christmas, and Santa was very good to the Nunziati’s!
Prior to Christmas I attended the yearly Christmas Party of the Joanne Coccia Lodge and had a marvelous time. It was a beautiful event and everyone was so warm and friendly. It was so nice to see
Here it is time for the Holidays and I hope this message finds everyone doing well.
The Dolly Sinatra Lodge put on a wonderful golf tournament. My team consisting of Financial Secretary David Lavezzari, his brother Bob Lavezzari who I have known for over 50 years, Joe Occhipinti who I have known for over 30 years and myself. We shared shots of Limoncello, stories
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Happy New Year to all our members from Klamath Falls Oregon, Reno & Sparks, Nevada, and all here in California. 2025 looks like a fantastic year of great opportunities not only for OSDIA but the entire country.
December for me
Hanford Lodge #1543 hosted a very successful Christmas Party for children & adults alike on December 10, 2024. Santa’s visit was a great hit!! He listened to the Christmas wishes of all the children & adults having them sit on his lap for photos to commemorate the evening!! Pizza, salad, great desserts & sweets were enjoyed by all. Our
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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America Grand Lodge of California P. O. Box 2467 Fairfield, CA 94533 Phone: (415) 586-1316 Fax:(415) 586-4786