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Heritage and Culture


Arlene Marcucci Nunziati

  • 1 March 2025
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 18

Here we are again, getting closer to Grand Council and our Open House the weekend of March 21-23!

It has been a very busy month traveling from my house to the Grand Lodge office! We are ready (as ready as we will be) for our Open House March 23.  I am excited to show it off and hope that you will all attend.

The Grand Council will also be meeting there the weekend of March 21-22, 2025.  Be sure to get your reports in on time. The only thing we have found is that there even though there are many restaurants in the area, they are small.

It has been such an experience emptying out the boxes at the office.  (still many to go)  What treasures and memories we have discovered!

Wow the winds and rain have been horrible but made it driving!  Hope everyone has been safe.

The National Lodge has started a relief fund for Los Angeles and the victims of the horrible fires.  Anyone wishing to contribute, there is information in this issue.

The 100th Anniversary of the Sacramento Lodge was a beautiful event and the hall was packed with members and friends.  President Dan Marinelli and his committee did a great job.  I have enjoyed all these 100th celebrations throughout my term. Thank you to Genny Arietta who hosted me for the weekend.  Wow has El Dorado Hills grown!

I attended the yearly meeting of the Italian organizations hosted by the Italian Consulate.  It was wonderful seeing and meeting all the different representatives from the various organizations and listening to what they all do. It would be wonderful to coordinate an event or visit them sometime. Afterward a beautiful reception was hosted by the Italian Consulate.  They spoke about the Italian language being taught in the schools and even though I knew it was being taught at Burlingame High School, it now is also being taught at St Catherine’s School in Burlingame. The Museo has beautiful displays and we should try to attend.  Many Festas in the Bay area are also being planned.

Just a reminder to all my State Officers to complete their lodge visitations before June if not before.

State Deputies, it would also be nice to have a report from you as to what you have observed the last three months on your visits.

State Recording Secretary Lori Rossi also needs the new list of officers for each lodge so that our records are complete and that the information in Il Leone is complete.  As State Delegates were just elected, that form with names of the delegates must also be sent to the Grand Lodge.  Thank you for your prompt attention to these matters.

Ciao for now.  Stay warm!


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786