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Heritage and Culture

Message From the State President

State President Barbara Wisniewski

  • 26 February 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1952
Message From the State President

First, let me apologize for submitting the same article two months in a row. I really did write one for February but attached the wrong file when I sent it to Andy and Debbie. That won’t happen again, I can promise you.

I have been meeting with our Financial Secretary, David Lavezzari, at the Grand Lodge. He has been instructing me on how we do many of the functions of the Finances.

I am sorry to announce that we have had to close two Lodges in the South; West End and Desert Valley. Those members that wished to remain have transferred to the Joanne Coccia Lodge.

I’m afraid our members are aging, and we are not addressing the search for new, active members. Our Vice-President of the North, Louie Lodi, is known for saying “Just Ask!”. It is time for us to “Just Ask!”. To let our family, friends, and neighbors know what we do as an organization. Our contributions to scholarship and charities, both Local and National far surpass most other organizations.

We are fighting to preserve our heritage by keeping with our traditions and history. Our fight to preserve Columbus Day has been championed by our National CSJ. Columbus Day is one of America’s oldest holidays and is a patriotic holiday. In fact, the Pledge of Allegiance was written in 1892 in honor of the 400th anniversary of his first voyage. That year, President Benjamin Harrison declared Columbus Day a legal holiday. This was done to acknowledge the lynching of 11 Italians on March 14, 1891, by an organized mob set on their own form of justice. Thousands of mob members stormed the Orleans Parish Prison, where these innocent men were held, broke in and savagely killed and hanged the men, setting off a national and then an international scandal.

Our CSJ continues to fight the stereotyping of Italian Americans. You may say “Its only a movie” or “Its only a book” but those that are not familiar with our culture tend to believe these depictions.

How many of you have been asked if you are “connected”? Always with that little snide smile. We are not connected to anything but each other in the love of our Italian language and culture.

A reminder to all my Lodge Presidents, our call will be on March 27th at 7:00. If you are unable to attend the Zoom meeting, let me know if there is an Officer or member of your Lodge that could sit in and participate in your stead. That way you and your members will still hear all the information and conversation from the meeting.

I know some of my members are against paying any dues to our Grand and National Lodge. I wonder how many of you also belong to other National organizations. I don’t know any National organization that does not charge dues.

As with any member of our Order, if a Lodge is unable to pay the dues, please contact me and we will address it at a Grand Council meeting. We know fund raising has been difficult these past couple of years but the same has been true for the Grand Lodge and National.

I attended the National Plenary session in February. Due to COVID fears it was held on Zoom. Our National Trustee, Arlene Nunziati, has an article speaking about this meeting.

I am looking forward to getting together with my Sisters and Brothers in person, at the NELA dinner on May 25th in Washington DC.

Your Grand Lodge Officers will be meeting at the Grand Lodge office for our Council meeting on the 19th of March. I am happy that our Trustees will have complete access while at the office to any files they wish to audit.

Till next month.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786