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Heritage and Culture

Message from the State President

  • 4 January 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2236
Message from the State President

First, there was an error on last month’s article, unfortunately my December 2019 article was printed, and that is why you see references to 2020. So I will now post my December 2020 article followed by my January 2021 article. Sorry for the confusion.

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your immediate family. This has been a difficult year to say the least, with all the counties in California going in the wrong direction we need to now more than ever, take care of ourselves and listen to our elected officials to beat this pandemic. We may not agree with some of their policies or politics but we have to work together to beat this!!

It was nice to see some lodges able to meet socially distancing themselves. I was excited to see some lodges with their drive thru dinners, even though we are not meeting or gathering it is nice to see some faces even though they are partially covered. I know some lodges are doing this again for the holidays.

As you know we will not be doing the 365 raffle next year but the Western Foundation will be having an opportunity “one month” drawing. Information has been sent out to your lodge presidents. Please contact them for information. This will make a perfect gift and help the Western Foundation.

Looking back at my article last year I see how busy December was with all the events and such. Not this year. Now it’s what conference call do I have today, or when is the next Zoom meeting But we all have to have high hopes for next year. 2020 will be a year to remember.

With 2021 right around the corner what have you thought of your New Year’s resolutions yet? Let’s all work together to help our Grand Lodge flourish in the years to come.

Again my phone is always on; feel free to contact me anytime. An open line of communication is the key. We have so many ways to communicate now, let’s use them all. Touch basis with our social media committee to see our Facebook page, Instagram, Twitter. Just a new avenue to get the word out, that we are the best kept secret!!

In closing, I along with First Lady wish all of you & your families a Very Safe and Merry Christmas and here is to a very prosperous New Year!!

Ok now for January 2021 article:

2020 was a year like no other, to say the least. We can only hope for better things to come. With a vaccine on its way, soon we will be able to meet and socialize again with others.

In mid-December our Office Manager Rodelle accepted a new job. She will definitely be missed; we wish her good luck in her new job. This means we will once again be hiring a new Office Manager, please be patient with us as we go thru the process again. In the meantime, we will still be monitoring the phones and emails, feel free to contact myself by phone also.

Let us all stay positive. I as many of you hope to be able to travel soon, my daughter and son in law are stationed in Hawaii till June of 2021, I hope to get over to see them there, plus as you all know Donna Lee and myself are huge Disney fans and we are both looking forward to be able to spend time in Disneyland. This year (and one other) are the only two years we will not be able to spend our anniversary at Disneyland. So let’s still work together to beat this, Listen to our local government’s recommendations, wear a mask, and follow the rules, even though we may not agree with them.

The Western Foundation is having a one month calendar fundraiser drawing. All the Filial lodge presidents were sent tickets; they are 10.00 and will be drawn for the month of February. If you need some tickets please contact you president or our State recording Secretary Lori, and she will get them to you.

So what does 2021 hold for us? Let’s hope for some normality, making up for the past year celebrations, socializing with our brothers and sisters. We will beat this by working together.

Happy New Year to all of you!!


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786