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Heritage and Culture

Message from the State President

State President John Costa

  • 17 March 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2058
Message from the State President

We are now one fourth of the way thru the New Year. Things are looking better. We have to stay positive! Last year at this time I was planning on going to Disneyland prior to our Grand Council meeting in Torrance, but things changed on March 16th, the state of California pretty much shut down? Who would have thought we would still be making our way towards the right direction a year later.

On February 13th I was on a “Zoom” meeting with National OSDIA. We were supposed to be meeting in South Carolina, but instead everyone was in thier home. Our National President Nancy has done an excellent job in leading our Order during this year. Please read the article in this month’s IL Leone from our National Trustee Lynn Lawrence Murphy for a recap of the meeting.

Our March Grand Council meeting on March 20th will be by Zoom. Every lodge president should have or will be receiving information soon for this meeting. We will have lots to discuss, but we hope to keep it moving very quickly.

Our State Convention was scheduled to be in Anaheim this year, but this will have to be done by Zoom also. We are still working out everything for this, there will be discussion during Grand Council and info will be sent to the Filial Lodges as things develop. This is an election year, so anyone that plans on running for a State Office please sends a letter of intent to our recording secretary as soon as possible.

We are still in the process of hiring a Office Manager for the office. Please continue your patience with us, we will continue to monitor phones and emails. We need to thank our Recording Secretary Lori Rossi for doing double duty. She has been fighting traffic driving to office a least once a week to pick up mail and write checks. Thank you Lori.

Those Lodges using zoom for your meeting please send me an invite to attend, I will try to log in when I can. As always feel free to contact me either by email or phone.

Your First lady Donna Lee and myself wish you all a Happy Easter. I hope you are able to spend this day with your family safely!!

Hang in there everyone. Soon we will be able to meet in person and hug each other as we had in the past.

Stay safe and healthy!!

Yours Fraternally


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786