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Heritage and Culture

Message From the State President

Arlene Marcucci Nunziati

  • 5 January 2024
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 948
Message From the State President


Hi everyone! Welcome to 2024! I can’t believe another year has gone by. Do you remember when we were children, (a long time ago) it seemed that the months crawled by. As we get older they just fly by!

I cannot believe I have been in this position already six months! Guess time flies when you are having fun. Thank you to my wonderful Officers and Committee Chairs for all their support. 2024 will be a new beginning for the Grand Lodge of California.

I hope that everyone had a lovely Christmas and New Year with their families. I loved every minute of December, the lights and decorations, the cards, the holiday parties – love everything leading up to Christmas. It was so wonderful to hear of all the lodges’ holiday parties!

Our Christmas was different but we were all together at the 49ers game and enjoyed it. I prepared our usual Christmas dinner (as close as I could) and we enjoyed it at the stadium! Good Luck to my beloved SF 49ers!

I had a lovely birthday and spent the day with Bill and Lynn Murphy packing up files in the temporary office. The following Saturday Lori and Mark Rossi transported all the boxes to our new home and closed down the temporary office. Thank you Mark and Lori.

We are now in our building and the offices are set up with our newly purchased furniture. My sincere appreciation to Lori who again traveled from her home to the new office to have all the furniture delivered and put where it belongs. It looks lovely. I can’t wait for everyone to see our new building. This month I will travel there and spent a few days and help to unload everything, file it away and decorate the walls!! It is a very exciting time for the Grand lodge of California! We will be holding our March Grand Council in our new home. Come and join us and take a tour. We will begin advertising for help in January so we can have someone in the office to answer your questions and the phones.

Lodges, please be sure to inform me and your State Officers when you are having an event, no matter how large or small. I want to visit you as do my other Officers. Be sure to notify our State Recording Secretary of address and officer changes.

Get well wishes to long time “brother” John Russo who had a setback in November but who is recuperating wonderfully! Get well wishes also to our Past State Officer Al Trentini

Sorry not much to report these months as we all were busy with Christmas. Make a New Year’s resolution right now to be more Italian at your meetings and to bring in one new member!

Ciao until next month.


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786