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Heritage and Culture

Message From the State President

Arlene Marcucci Nunziati

  • 1 November 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 937
Message From the State President


 Hi everyone. It has been another month full of various activities that have kept me very busy. I love it!

I know that I planned on continuing the President monthly calls and will do so but just have not been able to yet. Remember, I am always available to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

We again have a home! We closed recently on the property and I am very excited. Lori and I met Dan recently and obtained the keys! All we need to do now is a little remodeling, wiring for our computers and move in!! I know that a few members have driven by and taken a look and were very impressed. Thank you so much to Dan Marinelli for working for over a year to find us the right building. Now for the move, organizing everything and hiring an office worker!

The last week of September was spent entertaining out of town friends and closing out a very dismal SF Giants season!

We have a new Editor of the Il Leone so be sure your articles are sent to Anna Graeber and Debbie Ure.

I never realized how busy and dedicated a State President is. Past State President John Costa, I know how you felt all those Sundays that you could not attend the 49ers game! I finally attended my first game October 26.

I had the privilege of participating in the San Francisco Italian Heritage Parade on October 8. What a fun and beautiful day it was and there were so many people in attendance and cheering us on. Thank you to Columbia Lodge Sister Diana Garibaldi for driving me in her beautiful Miata converible!

A delicious shrimp and pasta dinner was hosted by the No. Solano Lodge. What a terrific evening and great dinner prepared by our “State Recording Secretary” Lori Rossi. I can’t believe the auctions and raffle they had – so many beautiful prizes and the audience was so generous!

The following week I attended another Shrimp Dinner sponsored by the Sacramento Lodge! This was another great evening, a delicious dinner and terrific raffle. I was the lucky winner of two prizes. Of course can’t forget our entertainment by State Second VP Louie Lodi. Great singing Louie and a beautiful jacket! Great seeing some old time members that I hadn't seen in a while.

The Western Foundation October raffle winners have been selected and the prizes have all been distributed. Congratulations to the lucky winners. There will be a July raffle benefiting the Grand Lodge. Plan now to attend our September 2024 Grand Council at Sea. Call Genny Arietta if you have questions.

A flyer is enclosed enclosed in this issue of the paper. This trip will be a fundraiser and is open to all members and their friends. It will be a fun weekend. We have not done a trip like this in 22 years!

The 100th Anniversary of the Grand Lodge of California will be held in September 2025 and a gala celebration is being planned. John Tedesco and Maria Fassio Pignati will be chairing this event as they did for the 75th. Any help would be appreciated.

Sincere condolence to the family of Lisa Maskarich, long time member and hard worker of Columbia Lodge who passed away suddenly. She chaired many events in my lodge and will be solely missed. Condolences also to the family of Richard Della Croce, Past National Vice President and Past State President of the Illinois Wisconsin Grand Lodge.

Happy Thanksgiving.



Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786