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Heritage and Culture

Message From the State President

State President John Costa

  • 11 October 2020
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2405
Message From the State President

As we enter into the fall months we are still under the mandate of our local government officials. I am writing this on the day I normally would be having a grand council meeting. This has truly been a learning experience for all of us. Who said we could not learn new tricks i.e. “zoom”, conference calls. Many lodges have been using zoom to stay in touch with their members. I have participated on a zoom call every 1st Wednesday of the month with the other State Presidents along with our National President Nancy. We also just completed a Zoom virtual National Plenary meeting in September. This has become a valuable tool for lodges, besides the phone calls, email and text messages.

I will be setting up a conference call for Grand Council in October and like in March, info will be sent to the each filial lodge President’s to participate. I am hoping that by March 2021 we can meet in person for Grand Council. Information has been sent to your Lodge Presidents and Recording Secretaries on how you can have election of officers for the 2020-2022 year, thank you Al and the Judiciary committee for helping review this. If you have not received this information and or have questions please contact either myself or Judge Al.

Being October, unfortunately many Columbus Day celebrations, Italian heritage days and parades have been canceled. Many of you know that Columbus has been attacked during the civil protests throughout the United States. We know that Columbus, along with many other Italians have made this a great place to live. Let us continue to honor our Italians and Italian Americans even though we cannot do this in person.

So again I state…until our State Officials give us an ok to meet, let’s continue to wear a mask, and follow the guidelines set up by our elected officials. Let’s continue the open communication with our members. We still need to error on the side of caution, due to the age of our organization.

So continue those phone calls to our members, feel free to contact me also with any questions or comments.

We will beat this Together!!! Stay safe!

Yours Fraternally


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786