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Heritage and Culture

Message From the State 1st Vice President

Pauline Richmond

  • 27 September 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1792
Message From the State 1st Vice President

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

The end of September is the deadline for you to get your information to the Royal Pageant Chairperson about a Royal Pageant contestant from your lodge. For details, please contact Pamela Ricci- Royal Pageant Chairperson.

Columbus Day/October Raffle, September 30, 2022, was the deadline for ticket stubs and money sent to the Grand Lodge of California Office. Hopefully, every effort was made to sell or purchase the tickets, as the proceeds will be for the Grand Lodge of California General Fund.

The weekend of September 16, 17, & 18, 2022, I attended the Grand Council Meeting held at the Hampton Inn & Suites Clovis-Airport North Hotel. On Friday, 16th the State Trustees had their audit of the books followed with the State Officers Executive Meeting.

On Saturday, 17th the Grand Council meeting opened for all OSDIA members to attend the meeting. State Officers reports as well as Committee reports were presented.

There was discussion regarding the sale of the Grand Lodge Building and looking for purchasing another building.

The meeting ending at approx. 4:00pm!

That evening all officers and guests attended the Colombo-Stella Lodge #1149, 100th anniversary, held at the Fresno Fair Grounds. It was a wonderful celebration of one hundred years with beautiful memories of past and present years. An Italian Museum Tour, No host cocktails, Appetizers, Steak & Rigatoni Dinner, dessert, entertainment, & auction. Lodge President, Olivia DeLiddo and Co-Chair Steven Barra and committee did an outstanding job hosting a beautiful and memorable event. Lodges members throughout the state were in attendance to participate in celebration of the 100th Anniversary of our Mother Lodge. My Best Wishes and Congratulations to the Colombo-Stella Lodge for many more occasions to celebrate. State Deputies – Central a copy of the State Deputy quarterly revised form has been sent to you! I am looking forward to receiving your third quarter 2022, report!!

Ciao – until next month


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786