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Heritage and Culture

A Message from the State 2nd Vice President

Pauline Richmond

  • 29 October 2020
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 3156
A Message from the State 2nd Vice President

Congratulations to the new officers and those who made the choice to resume their position of office.

This month I have some highlights of Leadership information I received from SHARE “Catholic Daughters of the America” and feel that it is good information to share with new and returning lodge Officers.

How we present ourselves, how we treat others, how we think about other people can change the way we think and behave. Consider the following small steps that will provide personal growth and success as a leader.

1. THE ONLY PERSON YOU CAN CHANGE IS YOURSELF! Fear exists only in your mind. Choose a positive sense of challenge. Dare to take on your dreams and challenges.

2. BUILD CONFIDENCE IN YOURSELF BY BEING PREPARED. Past positive successes give the confidence to keep going forward. Look to the future to see the results. Learn from differences. Ask yourself if you have the self-control to handle difficult situations.

3. ACCEPT THE CHALLENGE WITH COURAGE AND GRACE. Focus on learning not performing. Accept the challenge of growing and learning. Challenging and meaningful work is the greatest incentive for individuals and lodges.

4. ACCEPTING OURSELVES. “I lack companionship in OSDIA.” “I feel left out.”. By providing an environment that allows for and encourages each person to be who they are will create a lodge that is welcoming and growing. Only when a strong sense of belonging is present, do we, have the ability, to be ourselves.

5. BE FULLY PRESENT. Listen intently but not judgmentally to all people. Be fully aware of ourselves in every moment. Learn to focus on the task at hand.

6. INSPIRE OTHERS. To be success in this time of busyness and uncertainty, we must be willing to accept diversity in our culture, family, and life. Pair a new officer with a more seasoned one. This will increase retention and build confidence and self-worth. Understand what is expected and why members joined your lodge. Inspire members by being positive during lodge meetings. Create a sense of community and personal fulfillment for all members.

7. EXPRESS GRATITUDE. How is gratitude expressed? Not by money! Gratitude is about assigning meaningful work, being challenged, being appreciated. The greatest way to show gratitude is to show kindness. It is contagious! Kindness and showing compassion to others are two of the most desired characteristics for all OSDIA members.

8. LEAD BY EXAMPLE. It starts with each of us and with the attitude and actions we take each day. Start by doing small things well. Then let big things happen.

Saturday, October 10, 2020 a virtual conference via Skype for our Executive Meeting was held at 9:00am. The Grand Council and SOI Western Foundation Meeting virtual conference was held the same day at 11:00am. The State and Committee Chairs gave their required reports during the meeting. The Financial reports were reviewed with questions answered by our State Financial Secretary David Lavezzari.

I wish you peace and joy as we all face the new normal of our lives, together. Let us pray for each other until we can be together again.

Fraternally yours,

Categories: Uncategorized

Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786