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Heritage and Culture

Message from the President

State President John Costa

  • 7 July 2020
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2725
Message from the President

Normally I would be packing my car and heading to our State Convention on the day I am writing this. This will be the first time in 17 years I will not be attending Convention (except one year for my daughter’s wedding). Many of you also, would be checking in to our Hotel for the week to share some laughs, and fraternity. This will be a different year. I hope everyone continues to be safe, and hope for that day when we can break bread, share a conversation, and share an adult beverage will come soon!!

By now you have probably received the Western Foundation donation forms for 2020. Even though we are not meeting at convention you are still able to donate to our scholarship funds, Medical charities and our civic projects. If you have not received the forms please email the Grand Lodge office and we will get them to you.

I have received a couple of calls and emails regarding the Columbus Statues being damaged or removed , such as the statue in the rotunda in our State Capital building which has been there since 1883. I have contacted our National CSJ about this. With this happening all over the United States, it will be difficult for us to call to action. Not saying we will not pursue this, but we have to be patient with all of the civil unrest facing our country.

Our office manager Alexis gave her notice and is no longer with us, we wish her well in her future ventures. We ask you be patient with us as we search for a new office manager. We will still monitor the emails and phones, if you email the grand lodge please cc our State recording Secretary and myself.

As County’s and cities begin to open up, please follow the guidelines set up by our elected officials. These requirements are all new to all of us. We need to error on the side of caution, due to the age of our organization. I know a lot of lodges are using Zoom for their virtual meetings. This may be the normal for a while, I am hoping we will be able to have a Grand Council meeting in September, but we will have to wait and see where we are at.

So in the meantime let’s continue those phone calls to our members, and do not touch with all our members.

Happy 4th of July to all of you, if you see a veteran, or person in the service Thank them for there service!!

We will beat this Together!!! Stay safe!

Yours Fraternally


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786