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Heritage and Culture

Message from the 2nd Vice President

State 2nd Vice President Pauline Richmond

  • 17 March 2021
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2134
Message from the 2nd Vice President

Thank you to the Lodges that can pay partial or full dues for their members for the 2021 year. A wonderful way to show their appreciation.

Volumes have been written about love. We all know the famous passages and adages from “Love conquers all” to “all you need, is love” and many more.

Together, we reach out in countless ways. I want to encourage OSDIA members to grow and thrive despite this unfortunate pandemic. We can do this if we keep our current members and invite others to share our mission. Be open to change and entice younger members.

Love is the center of everything we do. Love in the difficulties, love in joy. It is easy to get wrapped up in life’s frustrations and become discouraged. Your every act should be done with love in building OSDIA membership.

As we continue in this time of Coronavirus; homeschooling, masking up, turning down social engagements, and becoming weary with state of society and politics, I encourage you to do every act with love. Make it contagious. Please remember, the way we treat people is just as important as how we lead them.

“Kind words can be short and easy to speak, but their echoes are truly endless”
– Mother Teresa –

I was invited and had the pleasure to join the Renaissance Lodges February 17th Zoom meeting for their General membership meeting. Lodge business was taken care of and it was much appreciated and fun time to reconnect with each other! Lodge president Mary Jane Cambria did an outstanding job in running the Zoom meeting. A heartfelt thanks again for being included in the meeting!

As always be assured of my fraternal love for you, your families, and lodges.

Fraternally yours


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786