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Heritage and Culture

Message From the 2nd Vice President

Louis Lodi

  • 1 June 2024
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 695
Message From the 2nd Vice President

Brothers and Sisters,

The 87th Sons and Daughters of Italy Convention is this month on June 26th through the 29th.  We begin with our world renown Bocce Tournament which kicks everything off. We all look forward to Bocce because we meet up with all our Paisano from all over California. This is a wonderful way of bonding together before we meet and share our ideas for the good of the order. We always wonder or worry about what’s going to happen at the Convention, but every year we end up saying, “that was great.”

I feel that convention will always be successful if we attack the pros and cons that all Lodges are having so we can find solutions and help each other become more successful.  I have been traveling to all the Lodges in Northern California from Vallejo to Klamath Fall, OR. One thing that concerns me is that most of the Lodges don’t participate with other Lodge’s functions like in the past.  When Lodges had a fundraiser all the surrounding Lodges would come and support that Lodge. Now, just a small group will go and support it. I personally love to visit other Lodges and make new acquaintances and friends. So now I’m going to my 14th Convention to meet new friends and visit with many that I’ve met over the years. I’m looking forward to another prosperous Convention.

For you newbies come and spend time meeting and becoming friends with people from all over California so at the 88th Convention you will be looking forward to seeing your new friends that you met last year in Concord this year. Enjoy and have a wonderful time in Concord.

Ciao for now,

Louie Lodi


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786