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Heritage and Culture

Message From the 2nd Vice President

Louis Lodi

  • 1 May 2024
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 782
Message From the 2nd Vice President

Brothers and Sisters,

They say, “April showers bring May flowers,” well, someone left out snow! On April 14 th , past State President, Barbara Wisniewski, Joy Bruno, and I traveled up to Weed, California for the 100 th Anniversary of the Weed Lodge #1269.  President, Richard Negro, and his fantastic members put on a fantastic event.

There were nostalgic pictures of all the previous members throughout the years, including great pictures of the Weed baseball teams. In addition, there were fantastic news articles about the Lodge dating back to 1932. The Tri Tip Dinner was out of this world! We all had such a wonderful time.

Also in attendance were our State President, Arlene Nunziati, Lynn Lawrence Murphy, Bill Murphy and our State Trustee Central, Tina Sparlin. Arlene presented Richard Negro with a wonderful plaque congratulating the Weed Lodge on their 100 th Anniversary from both our National President, Michael Polo and our California Grand Lodge. Arlene then gave out membership pins signifying their length of time as members of our great organization.

If you haven’t been to Northern California and seen the Siskiyou Mountains and Mount Shasta covered in snow, you should put it on your bucket list.

The next day we cleaned off the snow on my car and headed for Klamath Falls, OR to take part in the Camelia-Columbo Lodge #1294’s 100 th Golden Anniversary. This was such a moving celebration for me because a year and a half previously, I traveled to Klamath Falls to represent Arlene and The Grand Lodge to pay homage to one of their most revered members, Louise Holst and also to present Yolanda Rosterolla her 55 th plus membership pin. She was 97 years old and had actually been a member for 78 years.

All of us were taken aback by their memorabilia representing their history. There were records of meetings that dated back to 1926. What was so great… for over 25 years, they were all written in Italian!  It was so wonderful visiting with all their thirteen members. It was such an honor to be able to participate in this celebration. I particularly felt proud that day, to say that I am a member of The Sons and Daughters of Italy in America. The evening was in an upswing when our State President, Arlene Nunziati gave out the certificates and pins for time as members. She then presented President Oliver Spires two plaques, one from National President, Michael Polo and the second from the Grand Lodge both for the Weed Lodge’s achievement of 100 years.

Now remember that little lady, Yolanda Rosterolla, whom was presented the 78 th years achievement award a couple of years back? She is now 99 years old and her service of membership is now at 80 years.  No, it doesn’t stop there! I did some research and found out that she is one of only two members that have reached their 80 th year of membership in The Sons and Daughters of Italy in America!

From all the Lodges in California, let us all join the Camelia-Colombo Lodge # 1294 along with almost 400 Lodges nation wide and show our love of our Italian Heritage. Let’s spread the best kept secret around… The Sons and Daughters of Italy in America.

Ciao for now,

Louie Lodi
State Second
Vice President


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786