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Heritage and Culture

Message from the 2nd Vice President

Pauline Richmond

  • 10 September 2020
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 2277
Message from the 2nd Vice President

“Italians Feed America”
article taken from IL Leoncino Modesto Lodge #2021 Newsletter:

During this tough period, Italians abroad and Italian Americans are doing their part to help others. Many are the examples of their generosity, and one involves food: the way Italians often show love and affection. In New York during the critical phase of the Covid 19 outbreak, Fabrizto Facchini, chef of the Ristorante Cotto, founded, in just a few days, the nonprofit organization “Italian Feed America” with the purpose of distributing food for free to doctors, nurses, paramedics, and many poor people.

He was born in Belgium from Italian immigrant parents and he learned to cook from his grandma. He moved to California where he opened three restaurants, and then on to New York.

When the pandemic reached critical levels and many were unemployed, he decided to call his network connections, friends, and food suppliers, to create an organization where Italians, Italians-Americas and Italian Food Lovers could get together to help people in need. Now, this initiative spread to other states like California, Vermont, Maryland, Arizona etc.

Another interesting article taken from the Colombo- Stella Lodge #1149:

Youth member Luca Fannuchi is hard at work to help with the Lodge Scholarship Fund.

He got gift cards donated for ten (10) chances to win, 10 winners: Each receives a $100.00 gift card. There is a list of restaurants on the back of the ticket. Donation is $5.00. So, he is not at risk, he calls people from a contact list and does this by mail. Fantastic idea and wonderful to have a youth member chairing an important program for his lodge.

Christopher Columbus Statues are being safely stored; It was good to hear that the statue in Los Angeles has been safely stored away. In Orange County, the Bowers Museum has a bust of Columbus on display in a specially dedicated alcove inside the Museum. In San Diego, the statue has been removed and placed in storage.

Our National CSJ committee is working with five largest Italian American organizations in the nation to defend Christopher Columbus in a way to conduct and distribute research studies relating to Columbus. The Foundation intends to address the preservation of Columbus Day plus an emphasis on correcting the narrative surrounding the famed explorer and other important issues.

This was taken from an article by Angelo Vivolo, President Columbus Heritage Coalition.

“For Italian Americans, the Christopher Columbus statue is a deeply rooted celebration of our immigrant heritage and a public expression of pride for our cultural past and our identity”.

Congratulations to the Renaissance Lodge #2259 on the purchase of their new Lodge home.

Wishing the officers and members many years of success in your future endeavors.

Until we all can be together again, please stay safe!

Fraternally yours

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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786