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Heritage and Culture

Message from the 2nd Vice President

Pauline Richmond

  • 29 May 2020
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 5226
Message from the 2nd Vice President

By now we all have received the notice of the cancellation of our 2020 State Grand Convention in Concord, Ca. It was a difficult but necessary that, the majority of the lodges the decision was made.

Not being able to travel/visit lodges because of the COVID – 19 has given me time to say thank you to the various Lodges on their IL Leone articles and keep everyone informed on what is happening with OSDIA lodges thru the IL Leone issues.

In memory of the passing of two “Icon” of the Grand Lodge of California, OSDIA. My sincere condolences to the Simile family on the passing of their father/grandfather/ great grandfather “Nonno” Past State President Joseph Simile. As they say, “Another Great Man” has left us. I became a member of OSDIA the same year Joe became Grand Venerable 1975. I was excited as a new member to hear that Joe was from Palermo, Italy where my fraternal and maternal Grand Mothers were from.

Also, to the DeSantis family on the passing of Past State/ National President Frank J. DeSantis a most dedicated member of OSDIA. There are not enough words to write about Frank’s achievements and accomplishments not only in his community but throughout OSDIA. His influence was felt by many who knew him as a mentor as well to many members. His passion and love of his Italian heritage and family is what makes Frank so unique. A great loss of these two Past State President that will be forever remembered and missed.

CONGRATULATIONS: To those members celebrating 5 years thru 84 years as members to the Roma Lodge #1573. For a successful “21st Century – Young Italian Americans” event by Past Grand Lodge Queen Mary Lucido. To the many lodges for their interesting and informative articles in the IL Leone each month. To the outstanding 2020 Scholarship Recipients with their awesome GPA scores. Welcome to the newly initiated members to the various lodges for the 1st quarter of 2020.

Some issues to remember, please continue to support OSDIA Garibaldi-Meucci Museum. We own it and our support is needed! Also, if not a member please consider becoming a 2020 “IL Leone Sponsor”. There is still time to participate in the Grand Lodge 365 Fund Raiser.

Thank you to our Scholarship Chairperson Rosemarie Vanderhaar and her committee for doing a fantastic job in reviewing the applications for scholarships. Also, for sharing a grateful recipient letter from Katrina Reinart recipient of the Trinchero Scholarship for 2019.

JUST CURIOUS! Why was there a lack of participation this year for the Royal Pageant? I would really like to hear from young members who would be eligible to write their reasons, opinions or suggestions for not participating in the program. Hopefully, your remarks will give some insight and answers to why the lack of participation or interest in the contest!

In closing I would like to Thank our State Grand Lodge Queen Brianna “Bree” Simon for continuing another year representing the Grand Lodge of California.


Ciao – until next month

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Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786