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Heritage and Culture

Message from the 1st Vice President

Pauline Richmond

  • 31 March 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1727
Message from the 1st Vice President

Dear Members,

While recuperating from medical procedures I had plenty of time to think about membership. In so many ways it is the same form as leadership!

There are numerous ways to show members how we can incorporate kindness and respect to them. We know that attitude can be in different forms. It should always be in the form of kindness and respect. Having the ability to include kindness and respect in our OSDIA activities and communications will make a significant impact on the survivorship of our SOI organization.

In our tone of voice can play a huge role in how members will react to different situations.

It is important to show members how much they are appreciated. A handwritten thank you note, or phone call is more personal than an email. Go one step further and acknowledge members publicly.

Offer encouragement. If we see or learn that a new officer is struggling, offer kind words that will give her/him the boost she/he needs.

Ask members how they are doing and really mean it. This will let members know we really care about them.
Offer support of help in time of need. Pray for members and ask what we can do to help.

Train rather than criticize. If a member is not meeting the assigned expectations offer support to include training.
Keep lines of communication open. Let members know that we are available to assist them at any time. Do not assume they know.

Offer respect. Let members know their opinions and suggestions count. One may not like another’s opinion or suggestion; however, it is important to stay in a good and accepting mode. This will let others know that we are approachable and that their opinion is appreciated.

Have a listening ear. Do not be in a position where we are doing all the talking. Give members the opportunity to express themselves. A good listener relates not only to hearing the words of the speaker but also to paying close attention. Hearing is a physical ability and listening is a learned skill.

Receive members unconditionally – Withhold judgment welcome diversity of self-expression.

As we continue to grow, we must constantly nourish the seeds of kindness, and respect. We should all be focusing on the changes in our lodges, too, especially our membership. Are you focused on growing your lodge? Has your lodge planned a fun or eventful activity, or a membership drive, to arouse new interest in membership in your lodge? Many times, we are our worst enemy when it comes to recruitment. Remember it is especially important always to let others know who we are and what we do. We need to improve that by letting everyone know about our great organization.

Fraternally – until next month


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786