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Heritage and Culture

Message From the 1st Vice President

Pauline Richmond State First Vice President

  • 2 June 2023
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1224
Message From the 1st Vice President

 Dear Brothers and Sisters

Thursday, April 20, 2023, I traveled to the Watsonville Lodge #2016, with State Trustee-Central Pamela Buldo to install newly elected lodge officers. State Trustees-Central Pamela Buldo and Frank Locicero were heralds for the ceremony. The Watsonville Lodge is doing well under the leadership of president, Janey’ Leonardich. An active and motivated lodge with an upcoming events calendar plus active in their community.

I also, I had the honor to initiate new members along with Pamela and Frank again acting as the heralds for the ceremony. A wonderful evening with a delicious catered dinner was served before the meeting was opened. Ending the evening with President Janey’ thanking and presenting each of us with a beautiful orchid plant. An evening of honor and a memorable meeting for me!

As I am preparing for our State Convention in Reno, NV I am looking forward to seeing friends and meeting new ones. But also, sad realizing I am ending my term as your State First Vice President.

My term as State First Vice President is coming to an end. I’ve had a wonderful journey of life through OSDIA from 1979 serving on various state committees, committee Chairperson to starting from year 2000 serving as various State Officer positions until present, plus as State Delegate and National Delegated for many years.

I will never be able to adequately describe the gratitude I feel for all members who have crossed my path and helped me on my journey. The love, camaraderie, and joy in the Order Sons and Daughters of Italy that has kept me going on my journey and in particular, my relationship with the members who have impacted my life over these 48 years, especially those who have mentored me; have made an incredible impression in my life.

I remember my first time attending the State Grand Lodge of California Convention and how I was influenced by it. I came home realizing who we are as Sons and Daughters of Italy in America and felt such pride to be a member.

The blessings that accompany my membership in this organization are immeasurable.

My sincere “Thank you” to those past and present members for the support that I’ve received through the years!

Per tutta La famiglia mia e gli amice, ti amo oggi domonie sempre

To all my family and friends, I love you today, tomorrow, and always!

Fraternally with Love


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786