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Heritage and Culture

Message from the 1st Vice President

Pauline Richmond

  • 14 November 2022
  • Author: News Editor
  • Number of views: 1446
Message from the 1st Vice President

Dear Brothers and Sisters….

Have you ever thought about our organization and its members? Are we truly following the path and guidelines of OSDIA? When I think of our organization, I think of members who were/are remarkable members of a family. Have you truly realized what a marvelous organization you belong to? How much you have learned of your Italian Heritage? What friends do you have who are now like family? I have in fact, have friends/members that are so proud to be a part of this marvelous organization of Italian Americans. Show your pride and shine so that when people see us, they will say, “You are a remarkable OSDIA member!”

If we did not have all the remarkable brothers and sisters in our organization, SOI of the Americas would not have survived for over 117 years, with wars (World Wars I and II, Vietnam, etc.), Holocaust, 911, hurricanes, tornados, floodings, COVID-19, and other pandemics. If those members did not believe or have faith, as strong members who can do anything, we would not be here today. Our generation must follow members of the past and never stop doing work through OSDIA. We all know we have endured years of struggle and challenges that the majority have been able to overcome. I congratulate each one of you for accepting the challenges. Thank you for all you do for your Lodges, Grand Lodge of California, and National Supreme Lodge.

Sunday, October 9, I was not able to attend the Columbus Day Celebration, at Mooney’s Grove Park, hosted by the Roma Lodge #1573. From the information I gathered, the main dish, and paper products were supplied by the Roma Lodge. Members brought, water and beverages, salad, and dessert. Scheduled events: Bocce Tournament, Bingo, Bounce. I heard it was a wonderful day of returning to our traditional activities with family and friends. A great celebration of our Italian Culture. Thank you to the Roma Lodge for the invitation to join and sharing their Columbus Day Celebration. There was a dessert contest for adults and kids under twelve. The desserts for the contest had to be homemade. It was a fantastic fun day for young and old members, just like the old days!! With regrets I was not able to join in their festivities due to a family Birthday gathering.

Wednesday, October 5, 2022, I attended the Rodolfo Valentino Lodge #1449 meeting with State Trustee – Central, Pamela Buldo making her State Officer visit. The lodge is doing well financially and meeting each month at Luna’s restaurant in Clovis until they can return to the Norte Dame Hall where they previously met before Covid-19 epidemic! It was nice visiting with friends I have known since I was their State Deputy for years.

A sincere Thank You to the Lodges and members who participated in selling or purchasing tickets for the October Columbus Day Raffle every day a winner, to support the Grand Lodge Fund with the profits made from the raffle. Mille Grazie!!!

Wishing, All, a wonderful month of Celebrating Italian Heritage Month, plus Columbus Day. Hopefully, those Lodges who have photos of their Celebration of Columbus Day will share them with Call-to-Action Photos of Columbus Day Celebration Link I received from CSJ President, Robert Ferrito and shared with All September 15, 2022.

Ciao – Until next Month!


Sons and Daughters of Italy in America
Grand Lodge of California 
P. O. Box 2467
Fairfield, CA 94533
Phone: (415) 586-1316
Fax:(415) 586-4786